
New member
My dear brothers and sisters:

As you may have already heard, it is election time in Iraq, and I would like to take a moment out of your time and ask each and every one of you to let your voice be heard. Our brothers and sisters in our homeland are relying on us for support. Many of us live in countries far away from the struggles that continue to oppress the Assyrian Chaldean Syriac people in Iraq, yet the least we can do is show our people that we have not forgotten them, and that their struggles are our struggles, and that we too, want to see a free and democratic Iraq. Anyone born in Iraq or those who have at least one parent born in Iraq is eligible to vote worldwide. I plead with all of you my brothers and sisters; please take the time out of your day to vote during the upcoming elections. It is our obligation to help our people in need. I urge each and every one of you to spread the news of the elections to your family, relatives, and friends. Let us show our people that we feel their pain, admire their courage, and most importantly, we are united.

Slate 740, supported by our beloved Assyrian Democratic Movement (ZOWAA), is promoting unity within our Chaldean Assyrian Syriac people. They have undertaken the responsibility to care for our people in need all over Iraq. They have built 72 schools within the last few years and we see time and time again that they are working diligently and without fear towards a free and democratic Iraq. As many of you have already heard, 3 of our freedom fighters were killed while promoting Slate 740. Many of us were left thinking, why is it that supporters of 740 are the only people being attacked while campaigning for the upcoming elections? This is because ZOWAA, and its supporters are working for our people. They have decided to give their lives for this, and my brothers and sisters, the LEAST we can do is vote 740, and encourage all those around us to vote as well, to show our fallen soldiers they will never be forgotten.

Within the next few days there will be a post with all the addresses worldwide where you let your voice be heard. If you have any question, feel free to email me at
I congratulate you on this amazing message. Assyrian Democratic Movement definitely will receive my vote. I've participated in the previous elections I won't be missing this second opportunity.

wonderful work Naramsin....:clap: :clap:
Khayyet Naramsin for this post.

Zowaa's work and actions for the past 26 years speak for themselves, as they've been working continuously back home for the unity of our nation and for the protection of our rights & people.

The main objective is to get as many people to go and vote for a ChaldoAssyrian representative as the number of votes a year ago was dismal and very disappointing.

We tend to forgot what the people back home are going through, and many tend to ignore the election and label it as being a "Muslim Election", but this is "Our Election" as much as it is anyone else's.

An hour or two from your day is not too much to ask in order to put a ChaldoAssyrian representative in the parliament, so please ask your family, friends, relatives to go and vote, and do your duty and help your people back home have a voice in the Government and let them be heard.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know if there are any other Assyrian slates out there besides 740, 752, and 800? Those are the only ones I heard of, thanks!

rumrum said:
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if there are any other Assyrian slates out there besides 740, 752, and 800? Those are the only ones I heard of, thanks!


730 - The Kurdish Slate, 66% of the Christian representatives in the parliament got there through this one last time. The same group are in this slate once again.
I'm extremely and deeply filled with an enormous amount of happiness because I found out that the elections for parlimentary seats in Iraqi constitution is arranged in Gothenburg on Tuesday. I'm participating as I did in the previous elections for the intrim regime. I'm eligiable for casting my vote for my favorite and hard-working political party Assyrian Democratic Movement.

Hopefully and without any unreasonable exuces if you fulfill the voting conditions participate in the upcoming referendum next week. Your vote will give plenty of political, language and cultural rights. Our remaining population in homeland will benefit in different fields because of your precious vote.

By parcipating in this political event you'll show respect and love of unifying our divided community. You'll make the voice of the martyrs heard and remembered by giving something patriotic as voting for their families and friends.

SEE YOU ALL....marching casting your votes..
At the moment we don't need any quotes and a real attitude of negativism circulting. If your decision was not participating in the upcoming elections, please don't be such pessimist. Several of my fellow countrymen particpated in the previous elections and we've noticed and were informed on the benefits our remaining people in Iraq recieved from the government. We're regaining our cultural, lanuage and freedom of practicing our traditions publicly without being scared of getting assassinated.

If you are NOT well-informed on the current situations and on the improvements that were made in different fields for our people in Iraq and Nothern Iraq (meaning Garbya), por favor amigo don't ruin it for others.!

Joseph Stalin was a communist dictator of course he would come with such inreasonable and irrational quote like mentioned above. You can't compare the intrim regime of Iraq and it's current leaders with JOSEPH STALIN. You should probably compare Saddam to Stalin who adopted his aggressivness and excuted thousands of innocent people who were against his cruel leadership.

Both dictators came to power by revolution none of them was freely elected by the people (opposing liberal ideologies).
The situation in Iraq is now extremely different compared to Saddam's regime where there were no political parties that people could choose and represent them in the parliament. The only active and politically powerful party that excited was the "Baath party". Hence people were forced and intimidated to vote for the dictators party to avoid excutions and family members being abducted.
