We want an Assyria Province! (what if...)


Active member
Hey Guys,

I had that thought many times and I am sure quit a lot of you guys had it too. Just thinking why dont our political leaders go to the Government in Baghdad and ask openly for an "Assyria Province". I know we had many discussions about how its not possible due to many factors (population, unstable country, no real democratic values, not in the constitution etc.). However I am just wondering what the outcome would be if we really would have a unifed honest Assyrian Political Movement that would just say:

In the Name of the Assyrian Nation, we ask the Iraqi Parliament to let us create an Assyrian Province (Iraq is a "Federal Country" i.e. it should contain Federalism).

I mean if we look at countries of Muslim minorities in Christian majority area like Kosovo (which through the help of US and Europe obtained its "independence", although they do not make up 100% in their area).

for those interested: kosovo ethnic map (http://www.balkanproject.org/roma/Photos/Kosovo_ethnic_map-_HCIC.jpg)

Why is such thing not possible for us, and why shouldn't our Leader not just TRY it. I mean we don't live in the medieval time where there is no news covering etc.  I think it would be the path our political leader should go, because that way we will know 100% sure if we are welcomed and respected in our own House or if we should for ever play the "cleaner" i.e. second or even third class citizen.

I think that Assyrians must really now in this "modern world" try it all or forget about it for ever. If we are really waiting for Muslims to become "moderate and secular" then we can wait some 500 years or more. We should stop fooling ourselves and saying: oh no it will get better, we will achieve it not this year, next year...(I know i am in the comfortable west, but leave that aside for a moment). I don't see real improvements for our people in our homeland or the middle east as such. Its the opposite its seems to get worser and worser, where Assyrians are looking just for a way to leave for the west (and no one can blame them).

Yeah so, whats your opinion? Why would our leader not just try it? Will the others kill us (they have been killing us for decades, centuries). They already do so, the last shocking massage was of the brutal assault against a brethren in Kirkuk. Besides that, I think you all are smart enough to see that our people in Assyria and Iraq are not getting killed because they are Christians (at least not the main reason). Its mainly because they want to drive the true owners completely into the diaspora.

I am looking forward to read your opinion and ideas.
Bro I totaly agree with you 200%, if nothing is done, all our people will live in diapsora just like suryoye from tur abdin, nineveh is our last territory, we have to do something as soon as possible, now, we're the indegenous people of iraq, a federal iraq, we deserve a territory and it's not because turkmens or shabaks live in this territory that we can't govern this territory.

We need this province and I'm also asking myself why our parties don't go to baghdad...
Hey brother, good question and I will try to address it more indepth later on. For now, I will just say that certain Assyrian groups and figures have asked for this. But I don't know how official this was, and it certainly wasn't done in a group.

But now that the parties and organizations have formed an alliance and are plotting together, don't be surprised if this doesn't happen sometimes soon. The thing is, they have to balance how they do and ask for a province, while trying to look like they want to be part of Iraq, and not trying to break away or something like the Kurds are. It is enough for the federal government having to deal with the Kurds and their never-ending demands and threats to separate, and now have to deal with an Assyrian province too, which could at some point in the future be another 'KRG' that may want to be on its own.

But yea, it would be the right move to form a group and propose it officially to the Iraqi government.

AlexSuryoyo said:
Bro I totaly agree with you 200%, if nothing is done, all our people will live in diapsora just like suryoye from tur abdin, nineveh is our last territory, we have to do something as soon as possible, now, we're the indegenous people of iraq, a federal iraq, we deserve a territory and it's not because turkmens or shabaks live in this territory that we can't govern this territory.

We need this province and I'm also asking myself why our parties don't go to baghdad...

I think shabaks,yazidis,turkomens are one of the biggest problem,, we wud never get something without their premision but thats not the whole problem, Iraqi government won?t ever give us a such opportinity like what kurds got. We all know that one day KRG will declare their state and thats why iraqi government wont dear to trust us etiher.
Didn´t our people already ask for an own province?  :blink:

The main Christian political parties in Iraq formed a “Minorities Council” [...] Last month, they officially requested that the Nineveh Plain be allowed to form a separate province, or governerate, under the terms of the Iraqi Constitution. So far, no action has been taken on their request (by the government) [...]
Zawoyo said:

Yeah I know about those news bro :). However how trustful is that what they said? At least its only a written message. I think it should be the main Assyrian Agenda now, to ask in a Federal Iraq for REAL Federalism and Rights for the Assyrian Nation (in the name of Assyrians...nothing else).

What i literally meant was that our organizations would say: Dear Iraqi Government, on behalf of the Assyrian Nation World Wide, we ask you to form an Assyrian Federal State. I mean what has the Iraqi Government done that far for Assyrians? Nothing empty promises and kept us always on "the line".

So in my eyes, our parties should clear it up now.

Did they really ask for a province, I'm not quite sure, I haven't heard anything about it, I they they still at the plan step (who, how, where, wich conditions...).
Zawoyo said:

it wasnt province, it was an endependent self governing area under controll of Iraqi or Kurdish government. If we claim a province, that mean it should be the whole mousal province and its tooo big for our umta, since we wud never be a majortiy and some part of mosul province today are under controll of kurds.

It waslike some villages outside Mosul plain(that we cliamed), Bertala, Bagdeda, alqosh and sheikhan and some more villages...but some of these villages we are claiming today are populated by kurds, shabaks,yezidi and turkoman as well so its kinda really hard to get it..