Turkey an ally for Assyrians?

Do you think that Turkey would be a good ally for Assyrians (the enemy of your enemy is your friend)

  • Yes, they have power in Middle East

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Hell No, they cant be trusted

    Votes: 15 60.0%
  • I dont know, isnt Turkey an animal?

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
Hey Guys, I have been talking to a friend about Turkey beeing an ally for Assyrians. I came to this subject, because few days before I saw in Middleeastinfo.org Forum a topic about "Assyrian Lobby in Instanbul".

So what do you think, would Turkey be someone Assyrians should or must rely on, to gain somehow power in Middle East i.e. etablish themselves in their ancorst Homeland?

Or do you think like, no man not with Turks we have learned enough from the past, they should first regodnize the genocide before trying to be in a politcal partnership with us?

Keep in mind Turkey is a NATO Member, would we benefit from them or would we just have more trouble than we already have?

thanks in advantage
Never have khasa min Mushelmana because at the end of the day, they're still Mushelmaneh. I don't trust Turks or Kurds, but as long as they're killing each other then that, to me, translates as: hey, they're not killing us! Shookloon baljee be ooydaleh so we can start getting our sh*t together.
I think Turkey would only use us for their own benifit if we decided to ally with them. I think until they realize and confirm the genocide, then pay up for it by immidiately funding ALL redevelopment projects for the Assyrians in the former Assyrian regions of Southern Turkey (including Tur Abdin, Mardin, etc).

But I think above all, we need to centralize ourselves in one geographical location.

I've been telling as many people as I can. We need to gather all the Assyrians scattered throughout Iraq and centralize them in the Nineveh Planes. By doing so, we increase our population there but also add skilled workers (doctors, engeneers, lawyers, etc) to the much needed area.

Thats part one.

Part two would be to get the Assyrians from Diaspora to invest in Nineveh Planes through some sort of economic agreement with the province of Nineveh that would directly go in the hands of the Assyrians (under the pretence of "Ninveh Planes").

We have not established anything for ourselves yet. We do have some small projects here and there that are in the works or being finalized, but nothing substantial that would give the region a much needed economic boom.


If you want to talk about who the ideal ally would be, look no further than India or China. We have historical ties with both regions and they have insane oil and agricultural demands. If we can't provide them with the oil, we can at least offer up our agricultural products and go from there....
Rumtaya said:
Hey Guys, I have been talking to a friend about Turkey beeing an ally for Assyrians. I came to this subject, because few days before I saw in Middleeastinfo.org Forum a topic about "Assyrian Lobby in Instanbul".

So what do you think, would Turkey be someone Assyrians should or must rely on, to gain somehow power in Middle East i.e. etablish themselves in their ancorst Homeland?

Or do you think like, no man not with Turks we have learned enough from the past, they should first regodnize the genocide before trying to be in a politcal partnership with us?

Keep in mind Turkey is a NATO Member, would we benefit from them or would we just have more trouble than we already have?

thanks in advantage

While the Turks undoubtedly could be a useful ally to Assyrians, I don't think they'd be our ally in mutually respectful way. Because at the end of the day, they know that we could grow to become a potential threat in the region (fingers crossed!).

Winged Bull said:
as long as they got their horn in the kurd's ass, then the old saying

my enemy's enemy is my friend works well for me.

Problem is, the Turks are our enemy too.

Ashuriena said:
Never have khasa min Mushelmana because at the end of the day, they're still Mushelmaneh. I don't trust Turks or Kurds, but as long as they're killing each other then that, to me, translates as: hey, they're not killing us! Shookloon baljee be ooydaleh so we can start getting our sh*t together.

Agreed. As long as the Kurds and the Turks are killing each other, who are we to intervene? Let them keep that up; it's all the better for us as long as we don't get stuck in the middle of their war. Meanwhile, we should try get our sh!t together and not get involved in the Turks' and the Kurds' business.

riza o shourba said:
I think Turkey would only use us for their own benifit if we decided to ally with them. I think until they realize and confirm the genocide, then pay up for it by immidiately funding ALL redevelopment projects for the Assyrians in the former Assyrian regions of Southern Turkey (including Tur Abdin, Mardin, etc).

But I think above all, we need to centralize ourselves in one geographical location.

I've been telling as many people as I can. We need to gather all the Assyrians scattered throughout Iraq and centralize them in the Nineveh Planes. By doing so, we increase our population there but also add skilled workers (doctors, engeneers, lawyers, etc) to the much needed area.

Thats part one.

Part two would be to get the Assyrians from Diaspora to invest in Nineveh Planes through some sort of economic agreement with the province of Nineveh that would directly go in the hands of the Assyrians (under the pretence of "Ninveh Planes").

We have not established anything for ourselves yet. We do have some small projects here and there that are in the works or being finalized, but nothing substantial that would give the region a much needed economic boom.


If you want to talk about who the ideal ally would be, look no further than India or China. We have historical ties with both regions and they have insane oil and agricultural demands. If we can't provide them with the oil, we can at least offer up our agricultural products and go from there....

Excellently put. Indeed, India and China could be very useful allies to us (and a lot more powerful than Turkey). I also like your idea of centralisation in the Nineveh plains and Assyrians helping out from the diaspora.

Only problem here is that the Indians and the Chinese don't really care about us. Perhaps that will change soon though.
waleeta said:
Define ally.

Someone who might help you to get what you are looking for and at the same time please his wishes to break something/someone down.
I mean more like Ally on the short time, where its like give and take.

Rumtaya said:
Someone who might help you to get what you are looking for and at the same time please his wishes to break something/someone down.
I mean more like Ally on the short time, where its like give and take.

Then yes.
We have to be, the jews did it and continue to do it.  You have to strategically ally with whoever is in the best position to help you and is willing to help you.  We can't hold grudges cause that won't get us anywhere. 

Use them for what we need, supplies, food, arms...whatever.  Then when someone else comes along willing to help us more, we ally with them. 

Asuriyan ?av? xwe berda Kurdistan? ? tirk piştgiriya wan dikin

STENBOL, 28/1 2008 ? Li gor n??eyeka rojnameya tirk? Zaman? r?xistineka asuriyan ko nav? w? Konferansa Gişt? ya Asuriyan (AGC) e dixwaze di n?vbera ?em? Dicle ? Z?y? mezin de dewleteka federal ji bo asuriyan ava bike ? heger ev proje bi ser keve tix?b? kurdan ? baş?r? Kurdistan? digel Tirkiyey? nam?ne.

Dewleta Tirkiyey? bi awayek? resm? r? da Konferansa Gişt? ya Asuriyan ko li Stenbol? of?seka xwe veke ? ber? j? w? r?xistin? li Chicago, Bexda ? Şam? of?s?n xwe vekirine ? li Br?tanya ? Awisturalyay? j? n?nerayetiy?n w? hene.

Endam? kom?teya bir?veber ya Konferansa Gişt? ya Asuriyan Nemr?d Ş?ba dib?je ew terefdar?n Iraqeka yekgirt? ne l? bel? dest?ra Iraq? r? dide federal?zm? ? ji ber hind? j? ew daxwaza her?meka federal li ?bakur? Iraq? dikin ? dib?je hik?meta Kurdistan? r? nedaye wan ko of?sa xwe li baş?r? Kurdistan? vekin.

Nemr?d Ş?ba dib?j eli Iraq? di n?vbera 600 ? 800 hezar as?r? hene l? bel? kurd?n baş?r wan wek? ?kurd?n xiristyan? bi nav dikin. Nemr?d Ş?ba siyaseta Tirkiyey? dipar?ze ? dib?je ??nabe ko Kerk?k j? bikeve ser Kurdistan? ? dib?je:

? Kerk?k par?eyeka Iraq? ye. Heger li Kerk?k? referandum ??be div?t li Bexda ? Besray? j? ??be.

Devera ko Konferansa Gişt? ya Asuriyan heq? li ser ?dia dike devera kurd?n kirmanc ? barzaniyan e. Li baş?r? Kurdistan? nemaze serok? Kurdistan? Mes?d Barzan? heta ko j? t?t piştgiriya parastina maf?n asuriyan ? grup?n d? y?n d?n? ? etn?k? dike l? bel? card? j? dewlet?n c?ran belaya xwe ji Kurdistan? venakin ? dixwazin ji kurdan re probleman derxin.  

Niv?skar: Nefel-N??e
Weşandin: 2008-01-28
Xwendin: 618

The problem is  you assyrians are gathering more kurds toward you then ever, today are only pdk and puk but tomorrow  all kurds will be against you,which mean you but not you assyrians whom living here in diaspora exepect those who are living among kurds will face big problems than you can imagine, I believe this isnt good for your ppl no matter what and how, besides we are talking about turks, do not forgett genocide of armenian.

I think it is allowed to discuss about things without fearing to be attacked.
Its not like we are going out to ally with Turks (we do know better about them then anynother people).

I am not fine with Turks,Kurds or Arabs.
But then there will for sure come a time to choose sides or you will be just over ran by each other those groups.
This kurdish news side will completely affect the kurdish vision on your ppl, I hope you guys know what I mean?  
Rumtaya said:

I think it is allowed to discuss about things without fearing to be attacked.
Its not like we are going out to ally with Turks (we do know better about them then anynother people).

I am not fine with Turks,Kurds or Arabs.
But then there will for sure come a time to choose sides or you will be just over ran by each other those groups.

yes of course you are allowed to discuss about stuff like this ,but you have to be carefull, iam not saying what you are thinking here in assyrianvoice,but did you read what I paste in from the kurdish news site, That an assyrians delegtion visit Turkey to talking about helping turks and getting help from turks. I mean this will piss kurds off and it wont be good for assyrians and christains in general.

Rumatuya look this site
Alucard said:
Agreed. As long as the Kurds and the Turks are killing each other, who are we to intervene? Let them keep that up; it's all the better for us as long as we don't get stuck in the middle of their war. Meanwhile, we should try get our sh!t together and not get involved in the Turks' and the Kurds' business.

Alucard said:
Excellently put. Indeed, India and China could be very useful allies to us (and a lot more powerful than Turkey). I also like your idea of centralisation in the Nineveh plains and Assyrians helping out from the diaspora.

Only problem here is that the Indians and the Chinese don't really care about us. Perhaps that will change soon though.

To be fair, your allies don't "care" for you. They first look after their best interests, then they'll "care" for you. If we can prove that we are in their best interest and we can offer them some lucrative options and deals, I don't see why they wont "care" about us.

They're super powers. We're literally dust compared to them. The real task of a small "nation" like ours is to be able to convince them that we do have something that we can offer them that will benifit them while at the same time, we will be rewarded greatly for it.

So think, what can we have in Nineveh that would benifit countries like China and India?
I'd say ally with Israel, but many of you would probably disagree.

Israel would be a good choice. At this point, I love the idea of moving Assyrians into the Nineveh Plains because like riza oo shourba said, it would be in our best interest having one big section of Assyrians as opposed to the divided villages throughout Iraq (it makes me fear the "divide and conquer" policies we've seen in history...we're already divided by region, all it takes is someone to conquer us). We could have a police force surrounding the region creating protection for the people. Although we'd love to have a land filled with resources, but I think Israel would be a good ally because we can allow them to invest and capitalize on the lands we'll live on (the Nineveh Plains) in exchange for power and protection by a super power. It would strategically be a good place for Israel, especially with the natural resources the land has to offer .
Isreal is an interesting name for an ally. Unfortunately, it would not work for two major reasons. One, they are currently, and its been proven, heavily allied alongside Kurds and have even sent their top commanders to Kurdish territories to train their Peshmerga and other "military/police" officials.

Isreal also has invested heavily in the development of Irbil and other regions in north Iraq that are occupied by Kurdish forces.

Thats one reason.

The second you might not agree at all with or just blow it off as another Assyrian rant, but, THEY STILL DON'T LIKE ASSYRIANS!

I don't care who you ask, they still believe in the Old Testiment. Well, for those that have read it, we are portrayed as vile villians and barbarians sent out for the sole purpose of destroying Isreal. They still talk about finding the "lost tribes of Isreal" to this day refering to the Assyrian conquest and destruction of 10 of the 12 Jewish tribes.

Lets face it, they don't like us. Why else would Assyrian artifacts have been destroyed and looted right after the fall of Saddam. Why else are they constantly ignoring the phrase Assyrian and refering to us as Iraqi Christians or Kurdish Christians? Why else do they use Chaldean AND Assyrian as a means of division?

I wish we could rely on a superpower like Isreal, but their priorities are elsewhere at the moment. Our key is to tap into the NEXT great super power....China/India :)

I'll end this topic with a quote from a very wise man....


Aga said:
The problem is  you assyrians are gathering more kurds toward you then ever, today are only pdk and puk but tomorrow  all kurds will be against you,which mean you but not you assyrians whom living here in diaspora exepect those who are living among kurds will face big problems than you can imagine, I believe this isnt good for your ppl no matter what and how, besides we are talking about turks, do not forgett genocide of armenian.

Chill, Kurd. We're not going to ally with the Turks, so you don't have to worry about your Kurdish brethren. This is just a discussion on an Internet forum, not a political meeting between top Assyrian leaders, so don't freak out on behalf of your Kurdish relatives.

riza o shourba said:
To be fair, your allies don't "care" for you. They first look after their best interests, then they'll "care" for you. If we can prove that we are in their best interest and we can offer them some lucrative options and deals, I don't see why they wont "care" about us.

They're super powers. We're literally dust compared to them. The real task of a small "nation" like ours is to be able to convince them that we do have something that we can offer them that will benifit them while at the same time, we will be rewarded greatly for it.

So think, what can we have in Nineveh that would benifit countries like China and India?

Well, yeah. But the real problem isn't convincing China/India that we could be good allies. The real problem is convincing most Assyrians that we need to lose the pacifism mentality, Christian egalitarianism, turn the other cheek concept, and become completely radical nationalist advocating militarism and everything.

Look, I don't want to start wars or anything, but if we suppose here that China and India would become our allies. You think they're going to do all the dirty work for us? Hell no. They'd give us lots of weapons and we'd have to start some regional wars and ready to fight for our territory. Once we'd get the dirty job done, they'd be leeching oil and all that from us, and we'd have their protection in return.

Ashuriena said:
I'd say ally with Israel, but many of you would probably disagree.

I think there are higher chances of hell freezing over than Assyrians and Israel becoming allies. I don't think you realise how much Jews hate us for destroying their ancient kingdom of Israel. I mean, Zionist Jews hate all goyim, and Assyrians probably the most of all.

Ashuriena said:
Israel would be a good choice. At this point, I love the idea of moving Assyrians into the Nineveh Plains because like riza oo shourba said, it would be in our best interest having one big section of Assyrians as opposed to the divided villages throughout Iraq (it makes me fear the "divide and conquer" policies we've seen in history...we're already divided by region, all it takes is someone to conquer us). We could have a police force surrounding the region creating protection for the people. Although we'd love to have a land filled with resources, but I think Israel would be a good ally because we can allow them to invest and capitalize on the lands we'll live on (the Nineveh Plains) in exchange for power and protection by a super power. It would strategically be a good place for Israel, especially with the natural resources the land has to offer .

Suppose we'd ally with Israel. They'd help us out and we'd get what we'd want, to begin with. Once that is done, they would continue to control our country with their political power and through the media (they'd buy up all the media) and the banks, advocate feminism, multiculturalism, miscegenation, marxism, capitalism, liberalism, abortion, and just about any other worthless and degenerate ideology they advocate in America and Europe in order to break down the ethnic homogeneity of white Europeans. They'd pull the exact same trick on us in a future Assyrian state.

Look, with friends like the Jews, you don't need enemies.

Not all Jews are bad of course, but politically speaking they're no good to anyone except themselves. I suggest you read up more on Jews before making any more proposals that we should ally with the Jews. Trust me, you don't want to be controlled by Zionists.

riza o shourba said:
Isreal is an interesting name for an ally. Unfortunately, it would not work for two major reasons. One, they are currently, and its been proven, heavily allied alongside Kurds and have even sent their top commanders to Kurdish territories to train their Peshmerga and other "military/police" officials.

Isreal also has invested heavily in the development of Irbil and other regions in north Iraq that are occupied by Kurdish forces.

Thats one reason.

The second you might not agree at all with or just blow it off as another Assyrian rant, but, THEY STILL DON'T LIKE ASSYRIANS!

I don't care who you ask, they still believe in the Old Testiment. Well, for those that have read it, we are portrayed as vile villians and barbarians sent out for the sole purpose of destroying Isreal. They still talk about finding the "lost tribes of Isreal" to this day refering to the Assyrian conquest and destruction of 10 of the 12 Jewish tribes.

Lets face it, they don't like us. Why else would Assyrian artifacts have been destroyed and looted right after the fall of Saddam. Why else are they constantly ignoring the phrase Assyrian and refering to us as Iraqi Christians or Kurdish Christians? Why else do they use Chaldean AND Assyrian as a means of division?

I wish we could rely on a superpower like Isreal, but their priorities are elsewhere at the moment. Our key is to tap into the NEXT great super power....China/India :)

Good points man. Yes, they're helping the Kurds (and the Turks) while at the same time, we're getting killed by the Kurds because the Jews have been equipping them with lots of weapons. And let's not forget that they pushed for the Iraq war through their powerful lobbies in Washington, and we all know how much Assyrians have been damaged from the Iraq war.
Who would these countries choose to deal with?

We need to focus on unification if we are to have any diplomacy as a people. Maybe the reason many countries choose to ignore us is because we are too difficult to deal with. When you have all these organizations saying they are the true voice of the Assyrians we're not going to get anywhere. We're a divided people with small numbers to begin with. Its sad to say, but i don't know what we could offer any country in return for their support. Maybe the only thing we could hope for is more aid from the west.

Alucard said:
Chill, Kurd. We're not going to ally with the Turks, so you don't have to worry about your Kurdish brethren. This is just a discussion on an Internet forum, not a political meeting between top Assyrian leaders, so don't freak out on behalf of your Kurdish relatives.

Alucard, iam not talking what we are dicussing, look, check this site  http://www.nefel.com/articles/article_detail.asp?RubricNr=1&ArticleNr=2887 
then tell my if I should worry about my kuridsh relatives or not but to be honest Iam worrying more for my assyrians brothers than my relatives, a least my relatives has no conflict with kurds,so we dont need to be worrying for them. You are saying that this is just a discussion on an Internet forum no no no its not only that, AGC one of assyrians party had visit Turkey to ally with the turks and trying to have big deals with turks against kurds! what do you believe that kurds will do? when they found what,which I believe that they`ve already done that.You are here in diasporra dont be selfesh,think what and how they will be treated by kurds?
Sorry for my grammar and spelnings mistakes. I know I have big problem, but believe me right now iam working at that with my English teacher. I have problem with a/ an, spelning and etc , I hope you be able to understand what my points is, at least iam trying to improve my Enlgish. I need to live abroad,somwhere in US or UK, that would help me  :imsorry:
Aga out from your posts it seems like you are wanting to tell us, stay away from Turks, keep being with Kurds..aint that so?

I mean what is our benefit to stay with Kurds, do you know how ASSYRIANS are treated down there? Look its ASSYRIAN, not Christians.
As us beeing Christians the Kurds are very fine off, but as ASSYRIANS they try everything to undermine our naitonal and ingidinous rights.

I personal would not rely on Turkey as much as on Kurds nor anyother Middleeastern people, they are not one inch trust worthy, it would be just a time question till they would start betrayling us.

The most efficent way to help Assyrians would be throw UN?s or even Russia, but for Russia who knows what their interests is. I think we could have good chances to get Russians as an Ally, since Russia is also a worldpower nation and their are looking for their portation in Middle East and beside that the Russians could finish what they started suppourting Assyrians.

One more important thing is to stay within the Middle East neutral towards the others, because if you ally with Kurds youll be hated by turks,arabs and persians. If you ally with Turkey, you will have alot of trouble with Kurds (unfortunataly they are the clostest neighbours to us). If you ally with Arabs then you would have again the problem with Kurds and the same goes with beeing ally with Persians.

But what would you do then? I tell you Assyrians cant be allies with Kurds it will not work because bouth nationans are claiming the same soil and the one with the power at the moment is underminng the rights of the others (for get about building churches, houses and schools is just a fassade).

Also if we would risk alot, I thikn the western world can be the only one who would really help us with abit suppourt by the Iraqi Goverment.

at the link you gaved, I cant speak nor read kurdish.