This Sunday... Urhay Committee 2nd picnic of the summer

Assy Gal

New member
This Sunday Urhay Committee 2nd picnic of the summer

URHAY COMMITTEE presents 2nd picnic of the summer with Julie yousif, Adonee , Talal, Michael George.

when: Sunday July 1rst 2007
where: Polish Army Park (on hwy27 between rutherford and Major Mackenzie dr. on your left hand side when going North)

For more info: please call
Kanny (416)568-8449
Sabah (416)856-5305

"All  proceeds go towards The Assyrian church of the East"
thank you for your support.

atou...u need to fire ur ass  :giggle:

dee...r u and saksuka taking the resh!t khigga? u guys have been waitting since winter  :roflmao:  ...its ur only chance  :wink:
Well if he is gonna come and he dances i will for sure  :wavetowel:

He is a good dancer i love dancing beside someone who can dance crazy like me but i dont like to in picnics to many people watching  :blush2:
he better go,,, im gonna  text message him soooonn.

yeah i know what u mean by many ppl  watching  :ban: :ban: :ban:
Assy, what happend to Julie Yousif  :razz: dogloo  :ROFLMAO:

The picnic was ok, I hate dancing at the picnics but this time I had to because was cold trying to get some shkhontaaaaaa  looooool