The party was alright. what happened to sargon? left so early...
anyways... it was fun at the end when my shoe went flying ...all thanks to lovemoons bro in law LMFAO...only lovemoon and anita saw that ....thats one good thing to remember ( to bad it didnt hit anyone LOOOL) ...everytime im with lovemoon something funny happens to me
i met meroonna for the first time :2hearts:
and for the first time i met my so called lover...(inside joke bettween me and deedee )
to bad cutttie u didnt come :2hearts:...its ok u didnt miss anything... :ban:..hope u feel better :bigarmhug:
and it was nice seeing everyone else... :razz:
anyways... it was fun at the end when my shoe went flying ...all thanks to lovemoons bro in law LMFAO...only lovemoon and anita saw that ....thats one good thing to remember ( to bad it didnt hit anyone LOOOL) ...everytime im with lovemoon something funny happens to me
i met meroonna for the first time :2hearts:
and for the first time i met my so called lover...(inside joke bettween me and deedee )
to bad cutttie u didnt come :2hearts:...its ok u didnt miss anything... :ban:..hope u feel better :bigarmhug:
and it was nice seeing everyone else... :razz: