Small army


New member
If we compare our npu army to that of the pesmerga, damn, they have like 200 000 men, and we only 5000, if they attack us they would exterminate our army. Why do we have a small army, we need assyrians to move to nineveh plains and build even stronger army dammit. Probably because ninveh plains is not a big area but even though, just think about it.
Because alot of Assyrians that are left are not in shape for military service.
Many Assyrians won't return unless the land is safe and assured of safety.

Secondly, USA during Iraq war threatened Zowaa to dismantle their militias or else be put on terrorist list and get droned to death.
I remember hearing a while back that all the Assyrian militias in Iraq were planning to unite into one militia. I wonder whats been happening with that
Nemrud said:
If we compare our npu army to that of the pesmerga, damn, they have like 200 000 men, and we only 5000, if they attack us they would exterminate our army. Why do we have a small army, we need assyrians to move to nineveh plains and build even stronger army dammit. Probably because ninveh plains is not a big area but even though, just think about it.

The problem is not in the size of army, but in the lack advance weapons and willingness of Assyrians  to move back and protect our land. I hope one day we get support from one of the those super powers (Russia, USA or EU) .

More realistic: cooperation with Iraqy army or the peshmerga. Iraqy army is more recognized, but we are afraid of more scenarios like in 2014 where 50 000 soliders and police run from 800 terrorists.
KingA said:
The problem is not in the size of army, but in the lack advance weapons and willingness of Assyrians  to move back and protect our land. I hope one day we get support from one of the those super powers (Russia, USA or EU) .

More realistic: cooperation with Iraqy army or the peshmerga. Iraqy army is more recognized, but we are afraid of more scenarios like in 2014 where 50 000 soliders and police run from 800 terrorists.

the police and 50k soldiers ran because their commanders ran first... What good an army that's trained and highly equipped if their leaders wimp out? If a leader wimps out, everybody else wimps out with them.
This is an extremely unpopular opinion, but I don't think Assyrians should mass-migrate back to Iraq. Quality of life and education in the west is much better. Assyrians need to more educated, wealthy, and stable families in diaspora. If we mass-migrate back in the next decade we will essentially have nothing over there and be in a weak position
mrzurnaci said:
the police and 50k soldiers ran because their commanders ran first... What good an army that's trained and highly equipped if their leaders wimp out? If a leader wimps out, everybody else wimps out with them.

You are right, but what is the alternative? putting Shiia soliders and commanders in Mosul?? The Sunnies Arabis in Mosul will rather support extremists (ISIS and al qaida) than them.. Unfourtunately, our region has no guaranty.
Kelba said:
This is an extremely unpopular opinion, but I don't think Assyrians should mass-migrate back to Iraq. Quality of life and education in the west is much better. Assyrians need to more educated, wealthy, and stable families in diaspora. If we mass-migrate back in the next decade we will essentially have nothing over there and be in a weak position

I agree
Ezidi Kurd said:
There will be Assyria ONLY after Kurdistan.

Kurdish free state will be Western orientated, I'm sure Independent Great Kurdistan will join NATO. It will be a very stable country and therefore Assyrians in Kurdistan will get their rights and will be free to determine their own future.

Also, many Kurds like me don't want Assyrians in Kurdistan. That's why I want Assyrians to have their OWN country and live separate from Kurds.

Conversely, an Assyrian state would be a lot less politically damning for politicians in other countries. Primarily, it would cause a lot less issues with populations in other countries wanting to follow-suit and also secede; that was one issue with KRG potentially influencing Iranian Kurds, which put Iran heavily against supporting the KRG's recent referendum. So it's possible to argue an Assyrian state would be easier to create because it would cause a lot less political tension with neighbors.
Ezidi Kurd said:
Just use your brains. If Assyrians get their own state first, what will happen to 5 - 6 million Kurds in South Kurdistan? Exactly, that means that Turcos and Persians are aginst any cnahge of Iraq borders. That means that Turcos and Persians are also going to oppose the Assyrian state.

So Assyrians are doomed and their only salvation is getting their own state after Great Kurdistan is established. There is simply no other option. The survival of your people is linked to Great Kurdistan. Without Great Kurdistan your people are finished in the Middle East big time.

We'll see about that.
Ezidi Kurd said:
Good luck.

All I know is that Kurds will be victorious for 2 reasons. There are 50 million Kurds and Kurds are of NorthWest Iranic (aka Aryan) race.

50 million Kurds? Kurds number 30-45 million, I'd say probably around 35 million. I don't know where you got 50 million from. Also there may be only a couple million of us Assyrians left but quality not quantity ;)
Ezidi Kurd said:
1 Kurdish ARYAN warrior is stronger than 1000 Assyrians...
Why are you giving your people a bad name? Your trolling has become too obvious now.

Who are you? An Arab making Kurds look bad? A Sunni Kurd making Yazidis look bad?

Come out already...
Kelba said:
This is an extremely unpopular opinion, but I don't think Assyrians should mass-migrate back to Iraq. Quality of life and education in the west is much better. Assyrians need to more educated, wealthy, and stable families in diaspora. If we mass-migrate back in the next decade we will essentially have nothing over there and be in a weak position
nah it's ok Kelba, It does make sense. Why would you trade in a 3000 Sq ft apartment with latest appliances and a 4K TV for a 1000 Sq ft apartment with early 2000s appliances and just less stuff in general? Homeland has to become almost as good as the West, problem is that WILL attract Meshulmane...