Shocking news from Assyrian Church of the East!


Staff member
Waking up to shocking and sad news about Assyrian Church of the East bishop for Canada Mar Emmanuel Yosip submitting his resignation for personal reasons. He was at the position for 33 years. Thank you for your service Kassi, and god bless. hoping for a stable transition

From what I read, he will be relocating to Chicago, where he originally started his service in the 1980/s, before he was ordained for Canada in 1990.

Mods to come.
Here is the official statement on the resignation of Mar Emmanuel from the ACEO

Luckily, I happened to be at church on Dec 31, 2023, his last day in service. Of course, no one knew at the time.

Very Rare to see a Bishop Resign. Its unheard of in Assyrian Culture! They Stick to the Chair until the very last breathe lol

Good luck to him.. he has been a good Servant!