Notable Assyrian Instagramers (2000+ followers)

Sharo_Kinu_Assyrian - 2000 followers

Anmsha - 2951 followers

MIMIIXX__ - 2377 followers

Albron.IQ - 2293 followers

MissIraqusa- 9070 followers

YousifZaraki - 14 600 followers

makeupbysharona - 421 000 followers

Marianabear - 83 700 followers

GeorgeJanko - 170 000 followers (Assyrian Viner)

Monicamekha - 10 600 followers

_MariaYounan - 18 500 followers

Marina_Khoshaba - 52 800 followers

Ashourbanipal - 2958 followers

Dalia_Akcan - 5130 followers

SSANDURRA - 13 500 followers
I don't follow any of those people.. but I do follow assyrianproblems and they are hilarious!! 5302 followers
Never been on Instagram (other than a quick peak a few years ago) and don't think I will be interested anytime soon.

But I have to admit, the service has become so popular, with some celebrities forgoing FB and Twitter and posting all their updates there, though I don't get it since it is supposed to be a photo posting app and not for updates.... :blink:

BTW what do these users post? is it their own selfies or something related to Assyrians?

ASHOOR said:
Never been on Instagram (other than a quick peak a few years ago) and don't think I will be interested anytime soon.

But I have to admit, the service has become so popular, with some celebrities forgoing FB and Twitter and posting all their updates there, though I don't get it since it is supposed to be a photo posting app and not for updates.... :blink:

Same here. I don't get how it's so popular when we already have FB and Twitter. In both sites users can upload pics, so what's the point of instagram?
Neon said:
Same here. I don't get how it's so popular when we already have FB and Twitter. In both sites users can upload pics, so what's the point of instagram?
I prefer it over Twitter. I don't go on Twitter anymore and I think it's because I started following soooooo many people that my timeline was insane.  I've gone through my list twice and deleted ppl I don't care for anymore, but it still leaves me with 300 people I follow :giggle: at least with IG, I don't follow as many people so it's easier to keep track of what's going on
Never been on Instagram (other than a quick peak a few years ago) and don't think I will be interested anytime soon.

But I have to admit, the service has become so popular, with some celebrities forgoing FB and Twitter and posting all their updates there, though I don't get it since it is supposed to be a photo posting app and not for updates.... :blink:

Wonder what this list is like and which Assyrians are on top now?

Some 6.5 years later, I am still not on IG and not missing much :)
It is 2024 and I am yet to ever personally use Instagram (as well as TikTok and Snapchat)

I say personally because I while I have never used it, I do manage my wife’s Instagram and FB business accounts.

We need to do the same list for YouTube.
Wow that much , totally shocked I never heard of him. Assuming his theme is not Assyrian-centric?
I also heard of him recently. He interviews influential and popular figures (recently he did Mar Mari and that sakheef Andrew Tate). He isn't Assyrian-centric, but he does mention his Assyrianism and Christianity.

PBD Podcast has close to 250K+ followers

These letters stand for Patrick Bet David, who is half Assyrian, half Armenian.