New Assyrian Podcast: Konvo's With Kinu


Staff member
Since the start of the Covid pandemic, I have been a huge fan of podocasts. In fact, I have been listening to them since around 2017-2018 or so, but it really took off for me in 2020, and ever since, I have completely replaced my listening to AM radio, and most of my music listening, in favour of podcasts. For example, fo this year, i listened to some 1,500 episodes, from a variety of topics (most around history, self development, business and entrepreneurship)

With that being the case, I am excited to see that we now have a new Assyrian podcast! It is called Konvo's With Kinu , hosted by Sharukinu Yousif, who happens to be the son of the Assyrian-renowned poet Ninos Ninari!

I have been seeing Sharukinu work on his podcast through his facbook updates. What is cool is that it is not just any podcasts. He actually built a whole and very cool studio for this.

Here is his first episode, interview with Assyrian activisit, Rami Bahram


Don't forget to like and subscribe! This would go along way to keep this new project going and getting big.

He's a handsome chap and I wish him the best. But to be honest, he has major competition with Emmanuel Romanous and Shlama Cast as they're relatively successful Youtube Assyrian channels which have a similar subject matter (Assyrian interviews). Sharo's channel started with Assyrian history, then he switched to "reacting to Karens" and apparently they didn't give him much views. Though his recent interview with the boxer Anwar Oshana did get decent views (600 is the highest for his channel). So perhaps interviews will get him the exposure? In that case, he should definitely get Mar Mari on his show to get more exposure and recognition.

I don't know, because what he does in his videos is already covered by Romanous (since it's in English). Even though he's getting more views with interviews. Another part of me is saying since Romanous does all that anyway, there's nothing much that Sharo can provide that Romanous doesn't (as the Assyrian niches go). And also, why make videos now after Shlama Cast and Romanous became popular? 😂 Again, all the best to him, but one must ponder...He should've created his channel way earlier methinks!
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