need Guitar tips!!!


Smart Suraya

I just got an Acoustic a little over a month ago, man it's a blast just screwing around with this thing. But I wanna learn how to actually play! All I got outta the past month is playing tetris, one of Beethoven's songs (not as impressive as it sounds) and like the first 4 notes from Roulette. :lol:

I already have quite a few sites on my favorites for tablatures, but I'm looking for sites that help you get accustomed to the basic notes of a guitar, and which ones sound good together (forgot what the term is called). I have a friend who's giving me a few pointers here and there, but I don't wanna bother him too much.

I've found a pretty good site for the guitar basics

and I use these two for tablatures ,

Any useful sites you guys know of?
