Mr Mari from Christ The Good Shepherd Church

Believe it or not, it was a Vietnamese friend of mine who first told me about him. After asking around (I live 4.5 hours by plane from Sydney so I am far removed), it turns out I had met him about 30 years ago and I was making jokes at his expense (I am a stirrer) because he looked like a qasha (not knowing what his profession was destined to be many years later). My mother remembers him as a young man when he used to work in the local Commonwealth Bank branch that she used to go to and loved being served by him.

His sermons are very popular because there is no "Political Correctness" when he preaches. He preaches as it is and does not fluff around. He is not afraid of offending anyone if they are offended by the word of God. I only recently started following his Facebook group and was surprised that I was one of the few Assyrians in that group. He has followers from so many different countries.

From what I know (and don't take this as gospel as I am far removed from Sydney where he lives), he was a bishop for the 7 b'yarkha church but not clear if they ex-communicated him, or if he left on his own accord. 2 years ago, he caused a stir when during Covid lockdowns, he preferred to pay a $50,000 fine than to close the house of God. This makes him a hero in my opinion. You ought to hear his opinions about the Scamdemic.

I haven't watched too many videos of him but he has a way of explaining concepts that I had troubles understanding in the past, or had trouble explaining to others. He is a talented speaker because he gets the message across better than most priests/bishops/etc. The younger generation in Sydney is flocking to him over the more traditional Assyrian churches due to his explanations.

I think we will be hearing more and more about him in the years to come.
I actually like his jokes and humour. I agreed with him a lot about the COVID vaccinations and the conspiracies behind that.
Oh yeah, this Protestant lady (Sally Harb) is not a very big fan of his: :LOL:

God she's savage.🤯
Mar Mari, the Tiktok Bishop LOL

He is turning into a Cult figure... an Evangelist in preaching and connects to the Youth!

The Church kicked him out because it sees his style of preaching as too Charismatic and offensive to the Church traditions and history. In a way, a Bishop should not behave in such way. He needs to be always serious and upholds to the Standards of his Church!

I have no issue with his Sermons although he is been attacked and Savaged by other Bishops and Sects, especially Catholics and Orthodox.

Although he claims to uphold Orthodoxy teachings, the Orthodox reject him because they accuse him of being a Nestorian and hence rejecting Jesus' Deity ( Jesus being God- One person with two natures, not two Persons ).