Mazalta t Kha Bnisse ( ZOWAA IS HUNTING YOU)

jonadona said:
Aga, your opinion would be different if they come knock on your door one day and tell you to get off the land that was given to you.  Maybe the land that they gave you was stolen from Assyrians, you never know. 

So I can understand why you can't speak ill of them, since my theory will most likely be true. 

Honestly, your opinions have become so pro-Kurd, that you're not making sense anymore.

Dear Jonadana I know that, believe me, I know assyrians are oppressed by arabs,kurds and turks, thats not question, but maybe not everywhere in Kurdistan but evrywhere in Iraq today...

You right about maye pro-kurd thats true I have never been like this is because I have good relationship right now with my father and he is calling me almost evry day we are talking and discussing about the situation and especially assyrians. He has many assyrians friend in Kurdistan.
He is saying as long you are not muslim you will be treat like second sitizien, no matter assyrians or christians or yazidis but according my father that Barzani are against all oppression agianst christains and yazidis. ..
baklawa said:
If Aga is Armenian then I'm the freakin Queen of England. 

The Meezalta was of course amazing and the pictures speak for themselves.  Aga and other kurdis can spin it until the cows come home, the fact is their undies are in a bunch because all that money that their government wastes annually on propaganda channels and bribing desperate people is being flushed away.

Indeed there are ppl getting paid for spriding pro-kurds propaganada, Iam talking about or against assyrians all Iam saying is how it is down there, both good ways and bad ways..
waleeta said:
You disagree, I know.  But you're wrong.  :)

Thats the different between me and you dear Waleeta and you are wrong, Indeed iam not saying all assyrians youth want to come abroad that won`t be truthful but many of them will and not only assyrians even kurds. Today 40% of iraqi refuges are christains despite we christain are upp to 5% procent of Iraqi population. I know why they are leaving Iraq, they are getting killed only because they are christians, they are killing presist for no reason, iam aware of this but all Iam saying is how it is...
Aga, that 40% statistic is right, and we use it here to get $$$ for refugees and...get an area in Iraq in their lands where they can return.  Now, the US Congress is using this number for the same goal as us.

If you don't mind, please use it as often as possible.  :)
Rumtaya said:

thanks in advantage

Dakh letlokh Khater Romtaya! I'll try to stick to the Mezalta topic  :mrgreen:

What can I say? The mezalta was amazing! It is too bad I couldn't spot my friend from Baghdeda a YOUTH who lived in EUROPE for years before RETURNING to his native land and joining the ADM! Some of the Mezalta pictures however captured my cousins, and acquaintances from Khoyada (Student Union) who applauded his decision of returning and showed distaste in the very idea of leaving their rightful lands!

I can't wait to see more clips! 
Beautiful words to this chanted poem, but there were some lines that seemed much too focused on the importance of Zowaa and not the nation in general.  Still, they're not lying when they allude to the fact that there would be no parade/demonstration, no celebration, no discussion, no public appeal of this magnitude if it wasn't for Zowaa.  Yes, things would still happen, but not at this level.  A lot of it, if not almost all, is due to the efforts and dedication of our youth there.  They, not Zowaa or any other organization, are the hope of our nation and will forever and always continue to be our true foundation, not even our ancestry and history can be that for us now.
waleeta said:
Aga, that 40% statistic is right, and we use it here to get $$$ for refugees and...get an area in Iraq in their lands where they can return.  Now, the US Congress is using this number for the same goal as us.

If you don't mind, please use it as often as possible.  :)

well Iam not the one who are searching, I find this in your assyrians website ,I believe I find it in
shamirum said:
Beautiful words to this chanted poem, but there were some lines that seemed much too focused on the importance of Zowaa and not the nation in general.  Still, they're not lying when they allude to the fact that there would be no parade/demonstration, no celebration, no discussion, no public appeal of this magnitude if it wasn't for Zowaa.  Yes, things would still happen, but not at this level.  A lot of it, if not almost all, is due to the efforts and dedication of our youth there.  They, not Zowaa or any other organization, are the hope of our nation and will forever and always continue to be our true foundation, not even our ancestry and history can be that for us now.

You're right, but you know, I think the younger generation has a different understanding of what Zowaa should be than what is the status quo, and in a positive way.

Plus, they kids are so cute. Awwww.
shamirum said:
Beautiful words to this chanted poem, but there were some lines that seemed much too focused on the importance of Zowaa and not the nation in general.  Still, they're not lying when they allude to the fact that there would be no parade/demonstration, no celebration, no discussion, no public appeal of this magnitude if it wasn't for Zowaa.  Yes, things would still happen, but not at this level.  A lot of it, if not almost all, is due to the efforts and dedication of our youth there.  They, not Zowaa or any other organization, are the hope of our nation and will forever and always continue to be our true foundation, not even our ancestry and history can be that for us now.

I wanted to mention that too, but was afraid I will be crusified  :giggle: by some members that will take it wrong coming from me, so thank you Shammi
I love the prade, and alwayes followed the news of each year (beside 2005-2006), but I think its little to much of the purple, Akito is a national day and we should not accosiated with any party, I also, dont like it when ppl. call it the purple parade (mezalta D banawsha) ,, it should stay Akito and Akito only, its agraet parade and we shouldn't make ppl. feel that they are excluded.
Tears of Assyria said:
I wanted to mention that too, but was afraid I will be crusified  :giggle: by some members that will take it wrong coming from me, so thank you Shammi
I love the prade, and alwayes followed the news of each year (beside 2005-2006), but I think its little to much of the purple, Akito is a national day and we should not accosiated with any party, I also, dont like it when ppl. call it the purple parade (mezalta D banawsha) ,, it should stay Akito and Akito only, its agraet parade and we shouldn't make ppl. feel that they are excluded.

Please don't misunderstand me.  I very, very, very adamantly disagree with nearly every position you hold.  Especially when it comes to the importance of Zowaa.  I think it's Assyria first, and then people who for Assyria second.  Right now, people working for Assyria, in my opinion and belief, are Zowaa.  I do not like when a political party is put above our nation, regardless of which party it is (I, of course, feel the same way about any institution, including a church, being placed before our nation).  However, this parade in Nohadra would not have happened without Zowaa.  Do not persuade yourself to actually believe something of this magnitude and beauty could have taken place without the hard work of EVERY single person who is proud to be a part of the ADM.  Assyrians did the work, but it was the organization and maneuvering of a party that was able to pull it all together.  They sponsor the meezelta, do they not?  They have every right and all of my support to call it meezelta d'banowsha.  That is exactly what it is.
I agree with you shamirum.  I know a couple of Zowaa people in Canada and like you, I think Zowaa is doin the most for our nation BUT the nation is still greater then any other entity.  The Zowaa people I know tend to wave the zowaa flag over the Assyrian flag, they wear zowaa pins but not assyrian flag pins.  It doesnt make sense to me. 

Zowaa, as much as it does, is still a political entity within the Assyrian nation, the nation will go on forever but will Zowaa?? Maybe they fall out of favor and a new party takes over doin all these things...I mean i don't know but i think it's dangerous to put any entity within the Assyrian nation, above the Assyrian nation itself.

Khaya Ator
It's no different than people who love America and want the best, and then identify with either the Democrats or Republicans to reach what they believe should be the goal for their country.
waleeta said:
It's no different than people who love America and want the best, and then identify with either the Democrats or Republicans to reach what they believe should be the goal for their country.

To some extent. There are still those that oppose certain segments of our nation and refuse to clasify them as Assyrians; even if that segment clasifys themselves as such. Because after all, and I'm not mentioning names, you have to be a part of a certain church denomination, watch a certain channel on TV, and identify yourself as Ashouraya to be a true Assyrian. Everyone/everything else is make-belief and fake.
You mean like how "some" Americans think this country belongs to white protestants only?

Yeah, Anki - believe me, this mentality exists everywhere.  It is just manifested uniquely according to geography/culture/nation.

Here are the Kurds, inventing a natio by combining a bunch of people who speak different languages together to make their population big, and we're going the "process of elimination" route :giggle:
shamirum said:
Please don't misunderstand me.  I very, very, very adamantly disagree with nearly every position you hold.  Especially when it comes to the importance of Zowaa.  I think it's Assyria first, and then people who for Assyria second.  Right now, people working for Assyria, in my opinion and belief, are Zowaa.  I do not like when a political party is put above our nation, regardless of which party it is (I, of course, feel the same way about any institution, including a church, being placed before our nation).  However, this parade in Nohadra would not have happened without Zowaa.  Do not persuade yourself to actually believe something of this magnitude and beauty could have taken place without the hard work of EVERY single person who is proud to be a part of the ADM.  Assyrians did the work, but it was the organization and maneuvering of a party that was able to pull it all together.  They sponsor the meezelta, do they not?  They have every right and all of my support to call it meezelta d'banowsha.  That is exactly what it is.
oooooooh I did not know that , I ,ust have upset you and insultet you when I posted what moslem were doing in England
Or maybe you like to disagree just to disagree  :giggle:
dont waste your time , and put effort to reply to me,, save to to defend Islam
waleeta said:
You mean like how "some" Americans think this country belongs to white protestants only?

Yeah, Anki - believe me, this mentality exists everywhere.  It is just manifested uniquely according to geography/culture/nation.

Here are the Kurds, inventing a natio by combining a bunch of people who speak different languages together to make their population big, and we're going the "process of elimination" route :giggle:

Tears of Assyria said:
oooooooh I did not know that , I ,ust have upset you and insultet you when I posted what moslem were doing in England
Or maybe you like to disagree just to disagree  :giggle:
dont waste your time , and put effort to reply to me,, save to to defend Islam

I would much rather defend the right of every human being to not have to be a Christian then to waste time defending any one religion.  My intention wasn't to explain anything just to you, but to others about my original point.  I said one thing and you quoted me, giving me kudos as if I had said something you would have said.  Not the case.  I made a specific criticism about words to a poem, not a general statement about how I believe an entire political party works.  That's what you seem to like to do and I didn't want the association.

By the way, I never disagree just to disagree.  I'd love to agree with people more often, actually, since life seems to be easier that way, but I will not compromise my beliefs in an effort to do that.  If you want to twist my opinions and ridicule them and make statements like the ones you just made, then you seem to the be one who is quite fond of wasting time.

Good luck with your righteousness dude.
Don't get me wrong, the parade speaks wonders of our people back home...but...

WHY is it the only time/event that Assyrians "care" about Assyrians?  I mean, another month or so, people will forget about the parade and other Kha'b Nissan events and carry on with the rest of their lives like usual.  Why are we an event-driven people in regards to work?....