jonadona said:Aga, your opinion would be different if they come knock on your door one day and tell you to get off the land that was given to you. Maybe the land that they gave you was stolen from Assyrians, you never know.
So I can understand why you can't speak ill of them, since my theory will most likely be true.
Honestly, your opinions have become so pro-Kurd, that you're not making sense anymore.
Dear Jonadana I know that, believe me, I know assyrians are oppressed by arabs,kurds and turks, thats not question, but maybe not everywhere in Kurdistan but evrywhere in Iraq today...
You right about maye pro-kurd thats true I have never been like this is because I have good relationship right now with my father and he is calling me almost evry day we are talking and discussing about the situation and especially assyrians. He has many assyrians friend in Kurdistan.
He is saying as long you are not muslim you will be treat like second sitizien, no matter assyrians or christians or yazidis but according my father that Barzani are against all oppression agianst christains and yazidis. ..