I think Ashoor actually suggested this a while back.  My response was -- TAKE IT!  We'll throw in Alabama and Mississippi too.  But we get Vancouver in exchange  :shades:
baklawa said:
I think Ashoor actually suggested this a while back.  My response was -- TAKE IT!  We'll throw in Alabama and Mississippi too.  But we get Vancouver in exchange  :shades:

well that?s a rotten deal  :lol: :lol: :lol:

the only place Vancouver should be traded for is New Zealand.....and yes, the whole country for our city  :baby:
:giggle:  yeah, too bad it wasnt true  :ranting:  i want a warm place for canada.. then i can move to florida, but still be in canada  :2hearts:

we dont want alabama or mississippi... no thanks to tornadoes  :ban:
la ah!! it's ours u freakin greedy/jealous canadians  :razz:

but u can have ohio, indiana, wisconsin, oklahoma, idaho, yeah all those gay states that i most likely will never vacation too  :giggle:
leave my florida alone...

we have enough of you canadians driving your cars down and vacation there already we dont need anymore!  lol

I think Florida, is the state with most Canadians. As a city, L.A is one of top cities.

canada just needs somewhere warm.. thats all.. a warm vacation spot we can call our own.. i'd prefer cali.. but i guess ill take florida