its David Esha, one of the best singer EVER.( Ashur Bet-Sargis style)
you might find his CD on
ya aiwa b shmaya maslee mi6ratokh
leh sapya donyeh hal bakhit swatokh
b qalokh gabbara shoshla ah donyeh
ptokh tar3a d nineveh qa atorayeh
jammee atour, yemma d yemmateh
bnoonakh an mshoordeh go atrawateh
makh aiweh d jammeh meya d mi6rateh
go kolla donyeh m pata d yamateh
bnonakh plakhena b kol kha qeshyota
qad malwisheelakh taja d kheroota
jammee ptookh khobba d kol broona o brata
borbizza b donyeh, go qareeboota
nineveh ya mdetee, tar3akh b patkhinneh
qatakh ya khletee dimmee b tapkhinneh
al oprakh breekha betee b baninneh
qolee qa bnonee bit tamimenneh