Learn and preserve your Assyrian language - (In Assyrian)


Staff member
Let each one of us translate one line/sentence to English, until we finish this. Please do one line per reply.


"Mokhebe Baba w Mokhebty Yema" (Dear father and dear mother)

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As a Suryoyo speaker, I will try to immitate the Suryaya speakers :

I would read the next sentence like this:

Khamayta dLeshana w marwakhte yle.

I understand it like this : "Protection and promotion of the language is :"

Am I right ?

:wavetowel: I was waiting until someone translated the second because I didn't know the two words.. Nice Shahin!

Kh'da walita omtanaytan al qdalan

(Like) A nationalist duty on our shoulders (?)
Great idea, Ash.

malpun l-bnoonaawkhon khubbaa d-aahaa leeshaanaa (or, in my dialect, malpoo l-bnonekhoo khubbaa d-awwaa leeshaanaa)
literally "teach your children the love of this language."
the only way to do that is by teaching them Syriac first since they'll learn whatever language of the country anyways.
Can someone already translate all of this (or at least transliterate it to Latin)?

I understand Assyrian btw, but I'm not the best reader.
Neon said:
I meant for the whole thing to be translated, but okay. Lol.

ashoor wrote: Let each one of us translate one line/sentence to English, until we finish this. Please do one line per reply.
mrzurnaci said:
ashoor wrote: Let each one of us translate one line/sentence to English, until we finish this. Please do one line per reply.
I know. But nobody continued the ritual. Lol.