No, it was Kurdistan. 'Assyrian' area was multi ethnic. Assyrians occupied some Kurdish areas, but the Medes liberated some West IRANIC tribes from the Assyrian rule..
Ancient Assyrians territories were not ethnic Assyrian. Assyrians from Africa occuoied some areas in Northern Mesopotamia, but the Medes liberated those areas.
You can compare ancient Assyrians to Arabs. Arabs of Iraq are occuping Southern Kurdistan, but that doesn't mean that people of South Kurdistan are Arabs. People of SOuth Kurdistan are North West IRANIC Kurds. So, Assyrians occupied some West IRANIC areas in Northern Mesopotamia, then the Medes with other IRANIC tribes liberated it.
Kurmanji Ezdi Kurds predate any Assyrians and Assyrian region in Northern Mesopotamia by thousans of years.
Ezdi are West IRANIC people. We are NOT Semitic and NOT Mongoloid/Turkic. Ezdi Kurds speak Kurmanji. Kurmanji = West IRANIC. The religion of Ezdi Kurd, Ezidism, is also in Kurmanji. Ezidism predate Assyrians, that means that our language Kurmanji/Ezdiki also PREDATE the Assyrians.