ISIS offshoot in one of Australia's toughest Prisons

Bronit Omta

New member

Link to article.

Basically, the Lebanese Muslims in Goulburn Jail intended to kidnap a guard and an Assyrian (they referred to them as Christians) and wanted to behead them and record it.

The Assyrians found out and they attacked a Muslim in the prison. They had to move the Assyrians out of the Muslim yard because of the tension that has occured.

It's the Assyrian Kings (Dlasthr) gang that attacked the ISIS prisoners in the yard.

P.S. There are 30 Muslims at least and only 6 Assyrians.
mrzurnaci said:
I love how you failed to mention that Dlasthr struck first before the isis gangs could...

Better than having to retaliate.  Strike first, strike hard.
barcyy said:
I love how you're an incompetent retard. I linked the story and briefly summed the story, i didn't include all parts.

Yes they striked first because they heard about what was going to happen.

even IF I was a retard, I'd still be smarter than you...
mrzurnaci said:
even IF I was a retard, I'd still be smarter than you...

HAHAHAH i've seen your other posts mate, wouldn't call you smarter than me judging by those reponses. Once you meet me in real life you'll retract that comment.
Domanic said:
Barccy, you just got Rekt. Totally Rekt. Total Erekt.

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:giggle: :giggle:  RIP Barcyy 2015
barcyy said:
HAHAHAH i've seen your other posts mate, wouldn't call you smarter than me judging by those reponses. Once you meet me in real life you'll retract that comment.

That's because everybody is smart.

It's what we all know and what we all experience that makes each person's knowledge different from one another.

I can pretty much say the same comment back at you...

Why aren't you copypasting the entire article while also giving the link like I do?

I give the link as the source material while readers can read it on this website.

btw, I'm the incompetent retard that's building up the entire Assyrian computer science field practically alone...

Unless you list me others who are doing that, I'm the only one at the moment.
Even though I'm not a fan of the far right I'm actually glad that they're protesting against the mosques.