Is the word "kees" assyrian? Keeslee, keslookh, keeslan


Active member
Hey Guys,

I have asked myself yesterday if the word for "kees" is of assyrian origin? I think amee, amokh, ameen would be more correct or?

btw. dont mix that word up with an arabic word... :D
kis = yea the word in modern is "geb". l'geb diyokh; l'gebokh

however in classical, it is "genb". genbi, genbokh. arabs say janbi, janbak = next to

also another word i like "napqayatha" = plat'yateh , comes from root word "npoq" = pla'ta (going out of).

it can also be used when you want to say npaqyateh d daha palakha ki payshee pureeyeh byad maratoo = in this case it means "expenses/expenditure" (khraj'yateh)

some chaldeans use it: ega "npiqlan min betha" = we left home
I haven't been able to find it in the classical language or any foreign languages we may have borrowed it from. For now, I'm assuming it's pure Neo-Aramaic (like the word "qa" for "to/for" is believed to be).