Is the meaning of life just a Social construct?

Do you think the whole question of 'the meaning of life' is just a social construct for humans to have purpose because life in a way is a mistake? What do you think?
the meaning of life implies "what meaning does life have?"

Life doesn't really have a meaning. This is one reason why religion exists, to find meaning in life.

we are simply an organized bag of various metals, gases, and liquids that have meshed together to form an emergent entity.

An emergent property is a property which a collection or complex system has, but which the individual members do not have.

mrzurnaci said:
Life doesn't really have a meaning. This is one reason why religion exists, to find meaning in life.

Thought so, I really don't want to adhere toa faith because it's just ignoring the cold truth about life and it gives false hope.