(this was written the same way i heard it)
robert bet sayad - lewin moonshiya
shineh wiroo prishtat mini (years have past since u left me)
la tookhminakh baqrat ali (u didnt think to ask about me)
shamin qalakh manshin mari (hear ur voice forget my pain/illness)
libbi shliglakh min go sadri (u ripped my heart from my chest)
meetewin khaya bighdara (im dead walking alive)
hal kool dana qa tkharakh (everytime for ur memory)
an khabraneh deetwa mara (those words u were saying)
chi bayanookh b'kol gana (i love you with all my soul)
chi taninwa bit orrat mini (i used to say u would leave me/pass me by)
b'eedakh bit khaprat qorit libbi (with ur hand u would dig my hearts grave)
bit manshiyat khoobi o shinni (u will forget my love and life)
leh khazat o bit orat min dipni (u wont see and u will leave me)
mamooyatwa leh orran minookh (u swore u wouldnt leave me)
leh bayan shaman khabra min poomookh (i dont wanna hear a word from ur mouth)
hal yoomit mota bit oyan minookh (till death i will be with u)
bit metan ze go drananookh (even dying in ur arms)
chi tanyatwa eewin ana (u told me i was the one)
ot bayatleh b'kol gana (the one u love with all ur soul)
oodyo khishlakh moonshilakh (today u went and forgot)
khidyeh oori yomanakh (ur days going by with happiness)
khishlakh moonshilakh koleh qolakh (u went and forgot all ur promises)
oop koleh qoleh qati yowilakh (all the promises u gave me)
oodyoo ze lewin msaya qat manshinakh (and today i cant forget u)
min bar yomaneh qati yowalakh (after the days u gave me)
har bisparin shamin qalakh (im still waiting to hear ur voice)
ayni napli midreh al patakh (my eyes fall on ur face)
an yomaneh plitloo min balakh (those days left ur mind)
bitkharin an yomanan (i remember the days)
doonyeh moot khleetewa qatan (the world was sweet to us)
la takhmooneh min shooq ganan (thinking only of ourselves)
chi shakrikhwa al baryanan (we praised our creator)
oop eman letwa bighzayi (even when u werent seeing me)
libakh khleesewa bispari (ur heart was 'tight' waiting for me)
ana mamooyeh qa gani (i was swearing to myself)
hich leh palti min bali (they will never leave my mind/memory)
o yommit kheeshewikhwa al ghdara (that day we went out )
marzit yama chirakh tama (on the shore u stopped talking to me/u 'chirrakh' from me)
dirakh beta teeleh barakh (u went back home i came after u)
diryinwakh go junjara (i put u in pain/suffering)
oodyo pishin go rawooleh (today im left in the alleys?)
makh en shidanit paltooleh (like the crazy something)
atin let baqooreh ali (ur not asking about me)
priqla gani mtee ali (im finished come reach me)
robert bet sayad - lewin moonshiya
shineh wiroo prishtat mini (years have past since u left me)
la tookhminakh baqrat ali (u didnt think to ask about me)
shamin qalakh manshin mari (hear ur voice forget my pain/illness)
libbi shliglakh min go sadri (u ripped my heart from my chest)
meetewin khaya bighdara (im dead walking alive)
hal kool dana qa tkharakh (everytime for ur memory)
an khabraneh deetwa mara (those words u were saying)
chi bayanookh b'kol gana (i love you with all my soul)
chi taninwa bit orrat mini (i used to say u would leave me/pass me by)
b'eedakh bit khaprat qorit libbi (with ur hand u would dig my hearts grave)
bit manshiyat khoobi o shinni (u will forget my love and life)
leh khazat o bit orat min dipni (u wont see and u will leave me)
mamooyatwa leh orran minookh (u swore u wouldnt leave me)
leh bayan shaman khabra min poomookh (i dont wanna hear a word from ur mouth)
hal yoomit mota bit oyan minookh (till death i will be with u)
bit metan ze go drananookh (even dying in ur arms)
chi tanyatwa eewin ana (u told me i was the one)
ot bayatleh b'kol gana (the one u love with all ur soul)
oodyo khishlakh moonshilakh (today u went and forgot)
khidyeh oori yomanakh (ur days going by with happiness)
khishlakh moonshilakh koleh qolakh (u went and forgot all ur promises)
oop koleh qoleh qati yowilakh (all the promises u gave me)
oodyoo ze lewin msaya qat manshinakh (and today i cant forget u)
min bar yomaneh qati yowalakh (after the days u gave me)
har bisparin shamin qalakh (im still waiting to hear ur voice)
ayni napli midreh al patakh (my eyes fall on ur face)
an yomaneh plitloo min balakh (those days left ur mind)
bitkharin an yomanan (i remember the days)
doonyeh moot khleetewa qatan (the world was sweet to us)
la takhmooneh min shooq ganan (thinking only of ourselves)
chi shakrikhwa al baryanan (we praised our creator)
oop eman letwa bighzayi (even when u werent seeing me)
libakh khleesewa bispari (ur heart was 'tight' waiting for me)
ana mamooyeh qa gani (i was swearing to myself)
hich leh palti min bali (they will never leave my mind/memory)
o yommit kheeshewikhwa al ghdara (that day we went out )
marzit yama chirakh tama (on the shore u stopped talking to me/u 'chirrakh' from me)
dirakh beta teeleh barakh (u went back home i came after u)
diryinwakh go junjara (i put u in pain/suffering)
oodyo pishin go rawooleh (today im left in the alleys?)
makh en shidanit paltooleh (like the crazy something)
atin let baqooreh ali (ur not asking about me)
priqla gani mtee ali (im finished come reach me)