how to represent numbers in Sureth?


Active member
I know how to do numbers in sureth but how would I mix it with normal writing where the numbers are actually distinguishable?
Cascade said:
Assyrians have their own number system?

yea but we just use the alphabet. I'm trying to think how would numbers and letters be mixed? There has to be some kind of notation that tells the reader "this is regular letters and these are letters used as numerals"
mrzurnaci said:
There has to be some kind of notation that tells the reader "this is regular letters and these are letters used as numerals"
I don't mean to upset you, but I don't think there is a way to seperate the two. I'm not a pro, so I hope Carlo can help or someone else.. cause I think Carlo was always very into such stuff. He was the genius when it came to language.

But I'm like 90% sure that one can't tell the difference between "letters as numbers" and "letters as letters", cause the other day I was looking at this picture and there was a sentence written under it and I couldn't read this one specific word cause it was a mixture of letters that made no sense (yoth and dallath and something else), so I took a look at the translation and it was a date (the letters were numerals representing a year).
Also, when my mom used to teach me the "numeral system" when I was a kid, she never mentioned "how to know whether this is a number or a letter"..

But like I said.. I'm not 100% sure!
shekwanta said:
I don't mean to upset you, but I don't think there is a way to seperate the two. I'm not a pro, so I hope Carlo can help or someone else.. cause I think Carlo was always very into such stuff. He was the genius when it came to language.

But I'm like 90% sure that one can't tell the difference between "letters as numbers" and "letters as letters", cause the other day I was looking at this picture and there was a sentence written under it and I couldn't read this one specific word cause it was a mixture of letters that made no sense (yoth and dallath and something else), so I took a look at the translation and it was a date (the letters were numerals representing a year).
Also, when my mom used to teach me the "numeral system" when I was a kid, she never mentioned "how to know whether this is a number or a letter"..

But like I said.. I'm not 100% sure!

If that's the case, we need some kind of notation that let's a reader know that this set of letters is to be read as numerals, not normal letters!
mrzurnaci said:
If that's the case, we need some kind of notation that let's a reader know that this set of letters is to be read as numerals, not normal letters!
I agree
shekwanta said:

I have one idea, how using some kind of thing like a small version of the letter 'meem' to denote that these letters are menyuta and put another tiny meem at the end of the numbers?
mrzurnaci said:
I have one idea, how using some kind of thing like a small version of the letter 'meem' to denote that these letters are menyuta and put another tiny meem at the end of the numbers?

That's not a bad idea! ..maybe one can put the "meem" in brackets to denote it's a number after the letters are written.. like this e.g.--> 1990 (m)

But of course the numbers and letter meem will all be in Assyrian.. something like this (?????? (?

But I just can't help figure that someone might come up with even a more brilliant plan! Like invent something completely new to refer to numbers. And I'm NOT talking about inventing whole new numbers by creating other signs!!!... I'm just saying inventing something to tell us that the numbers we already got are numbers when written and not "letters/words"..