How much did the Black death/plague affect Assyrians?


Active member
I don't know if this question was asked before or not but...

I was reading up on how Timurlane attacked and killed many Assyrians in the north of Mesopotamia and, during the same time period, the Black plague was spreading across the world.

according to this article ->

The black plague hit Mesopotamia at or around 1349 while Timur attacked us in the late 1300s.

Did the black plague cause our persecution by making Muslims desperate or what? How much did the Black plague affect Assyrians both directly and indirectly?

This is a part of our history I've practically never heard or discussed.
Domanic said:
Really? Wow, this is the first time I have heard of it... I thought the black plague only infected Europe.
Yeah, same here. Didn't know that it reached the Middle East and Asia.
Did it also reach North Africa or was the sea barrier enough to protect them?

To the OP: can't say I've read info on this but I think we all know that we would have been the first ones to be taken advantage of around muslims during desperate times. Illness also broke out a lot during the Seyfo when many Assyrians were like stacked together in churches or small rooms in international consulates. As if we didn't have enough troubles already, this just made it easier for their jihad to succeed. Similar situation, undoubtedly the same intentions would resurface.
Neon said:
Yeah, same here. Didn't know that it reached the Middle East and Asia.

Could have killed a lot of Muslims, lol.

Joe25 said:
Did it also reach North Africa or was the sea barrier enough to protect them?

To the OP: can't say I've read info on this but I think we all know that we would have been the first ones to be taken advantage of around muslims during desperate times. Illness also broke out a lot during the Seyfo when many Assyrians were like stacked together in churches or small rooms in international consulates. As if we didn't have enough troubles already, this just made it easier for their jihad to succeed. Similar situation, undoubtedly the same intentions would resurface.

If the disease was that lethal, i'm sure it would have infected many Muslims too that they wouldn't have the mind to do something like that.

Or, if what you're saying is true they should have fought more then that way the Muslims wouldn't be fking around with the Assyrians during those times.

Infected Assyrians in those times should have gone into Mosques on a Friday and cough on all the Muslims :giggle:

>(year is 1345)
>*Assyrian walks into a Mosque*
>*Muslims scream out* "INFIDEL"
>*Muslims get the swords ready*
>*Imam speaks* "Convert to Islam or pay the Jizy.."
>*Infected Assyrian coughs out blood on Imam and 10 other Muslims*
>*Muslims run out screaming and crying*
>*imam feels dizzy and instantly dies*
>*3 Muslims kill themselves because the pain hurts*
>*other 7 Muslims collapse to the ground as they slowly die while trying to yell out "Allah hu akbar"
>*Infected Assyrian with a smirk on his face when he slowly walks out of the Mosque*
>*He slowly opens his mouth saying..*
>"where's your Allah now?" ( ?? ?? ??)
Domanic said:
Infected Assyrians in those times should have gone into Mosques on a Friday and cough on all the Muslims :giggle:

>(year is 1345)
>*Assyrian walks into a Mosque*
>*Muslims scream out* "INFIDEL"
>*Muslims get the swords ready*
>*Imam speaks* "Convert to Islam or pay the Jizy.."
>*Infected Assyrian coughs out blood on Imam and 10 other Muslims*
>*Muslims run out screaming and crying*
>*imam feels dizzy and instantly dies*
>*3 Muslims kill themselves because the pain hurts*
>*other 7 Muslims collapse to the ground as they slowly die while trying to yell out "Allah hu akbar"
>*Infected Assyrian with a smirk on his face when he slowly walks out of the Mosque*
>*He slowly opens his mouth saying..*
>"where's your Allah now?" ( ?? ?? ??)

that was very unfunny :)