Have you had a DNA test regarding ancestry?

Plenty of Jewish. And who does this service? Israelis. And you wonder why I am always cynical about Zionists. Funny how they call it "Georgian-Jewish" which is merely a fancy word for Ashkenazim.
I thought you made the distinction between Jews and Israelis/Zionists? Why bring Zionism in this nasha? But aha, this kinda proves the point that you antizionists are just anti-Jewish/Jew haters in disguise really. Let's admit this kheena.

And nope. "Georgian Jewish" are Judean captives who remained in Babylon - Some stayed in our land after we, you know, kidnapped them (this isn't a Jewish lie, it's a historical fact). We did intermix with them. And of course we'll have have tremendous amount of Jewish blood since we held many as our captives. Read about the Assyrian and Babylonian Captivity.

"Ashkenazi" is for European Jews (and Euro Jews generally have "Ashkenazim" listed). Why would I have Ashkenazim? Lmao. We Assyrians have no connections with the Ashies. :ROFLMAO:
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If anything, your reply shows how much you love Zionism. If Jews make up such a small percentage of the world's population, why is it that when everyone does these tests (which are all conducted in occupied Palestine) ends up having Jewish blood? The same Jews who can't inter-mix/inter-marry because it is against their religion. Meanwhile, there are more Indians in the world than Jews, yet I have yet to see anyone who does these zio-DNA tests ever come up with a percentage of Indian or Chinese.

If Jews are all descendants of the Judeans, why do we have Ashkenazi/Mizrahim/Sephadim (and now the new buzz word, Georgian Jews)? Should they categorise Assyrians into Tyaraye and Marbushnaye and the others too? How can anyone not see this is another bogus attempt by these Freemasons to control the world and have access to your personal information.

Keep giving up your DNA to the most untrustworthy people on earth. I am will keep my DNA information to myself.
"Ashkenazi" is for European Jews (and Euro Jews generally have "Ashkenazim" listed). Why would I have Ashkenazim? Lmao. We Assyrians have no connections with the Ashies. :ROFLMAO:
I have to address this point on its own. Another example of how little you know.

Georgia was once called Khazaria. A nation nestled between Christian Russians and Muslim Turks. Russians were trying to convert the Khazars into Christianity and the Turks were trying to make them Muslim. The Khazars knew they would upset one of their neighbours if they went with the other neighbour, so they converted to Judaism instead, which is EXACTLY where Ashkenazi Jews originated from.

Georgian Jews? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
If anything, your reply shows how much you love Zionism. If Jews make up such a small percentage of the world's population, why is it that when everyone does these tests (which are all conducted in occupied Palestine) ends up having Jewish blood? The same Jews who can't inter-mix/inter-marry because it is against their religion. Meanwhile, there are more Indians in the world than Jews, yet I have yet to see anyone who does these zio-DNA tests ever come up with a percentage of Indian or Chinese.

If Jews are all descendants of the Judeans, why do we have Ashkenazi/Mizrahim/Sephadim (and now the new buzz word, Georgian Jews)? Should they categorise Assyrians into Tyaraye and Marbushnaye and the others too? How can anyone not see this is another bogus attempt by these Freemasons to control the world and have access to your personal information.

Keep giving up your DNA to the most untrustworthy people on earth. I am will keep my DNA information to myself.
I love Zionism? Omg, really? How did you know? You're a genius wallah. 😅 I think it's pretty obvious that I am a Zionist, in the sense that I will always support the nation of Israel, especially it's surrounded by Islamists who want to wipe it off (with you and I included cos we're Christian/Assyrian). So bite me. Anyway...

You can't be serious about Indians and Chinese. Wtf man? They have never been in proximity to us in history. Whereas Jews have been around us and also in Europe in their masses. And yes, they've intermixed with us and Euros. Shocker! They've been migrated and wandered a lot (hence the expression "Wandering Jew"). Jews aren't that conservative as you make them out to be habibi, and I think you know this well.

What's wrong with Jewish blood? Yet again you're showing that you just don't like Jews. Yeni, we were talking about Jews as an ethnic group, and yet you jumped on the Israeli/Zionist bandwagon and.... "occupied Palestine"? :ROFLMAO: Greek Philistines (Peleshet, invaders) occupied the land of Israel, and Romans mockingly used "Palestina" for the land of Israel to vilify Jews. Habibi I thought you were against colonialist names? :rolleyes: Just call the land occupied Canaan if you wanna be fair, and rid us of cringey European colonial titles that wokies scream out ("Free Palestine"). I wonder, do you call Iraq "occupied Assyria"? Hm...Hope you're consistent here.

Let the whole world know my DNA information. I honestly don't care. What's bad about that?

A genetic breakdown of Iraqi Assyrians:


I have to address this point on its own. Another example of how little you know.

Georgia was once called Khazaria. A nation nestled between Christian Russians and Muslim Turks. Russians were trying to convert the Khazars into Christianity and the Turks were trying to make them Muslim. The Khazars knew they would upset one of their neighbours if they went with the other neighbour, so they converted to Judaism instead, which is EXACTLY where Ashkenazi Jews originated from.

Georgian Jews? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Um no, Georgian Jews were Babylonian captives taken to our land from Judea. After being captives in Babylon/Assyria, they migrated north to Georgia (and others moved back to Judea). This was over 2000 years ago. Khazars weren't even around then - They were probably some nomads in Kazakhstan. Assyrian and Jewish blood is ancient.

Khazars are a Turkic group indigenous not just to Georgia, but mostly southwestern Russia to Kazakhstan in Central Asia, with some even having Asiatic features (Ashkenazis look more 'European proper'). Some (not all) converted to Judaism. It is a historical fact that the King of the Khazar people converted to Judaism and so did much of the nobility. The only myths are stories about why he did so, or the conspiracy theories suggesting this is the source of all the Jews from Europe. Ashkenazi Jews INVOLVE Khazars yes, as that region is mostly in Europe, but other European Jews (from Germany, Austria, Romania, etc) are Ashkenazi as well.

Btw, Ashkenazi Jews share very few genetic markers with Central Asian populations. "Georgian Jews" were a Judean population from 2000 years ago that settled in what is now Georgia and Armenia, and they had Mesopotamian admixture. Nothing European in them. Don't mix up the time periods.

The Khazar theory has been completely debunked numerous times with genetic studies and other things. Overwhelmingly, Ashkenazis are Levantine and Southern European. There is no evidence that they have any relevant Khazar ancestry, and, if they did, that would not be a defect in their "Jewishness". The only reason to hang on to this belief is rooted in classic antisemitism, because all it is used for is to claim the Ashies have no connection to the land of Israel, which is untrue, and it has no evidence supporting it.😅

A 2020 study on remains from Bronze Age (over 3000 years ago) southern Levantine (modern day Israel) populations suggests Ashkenazi Jews derive more than half of their ancestry from Bronze Age Levantine populations with the remaining 41% of their ancestry being (southern) European - No wonder Jews and Italian look indistinguishable. Besides, the majority of modern Israeli Jews are not Ashkenazi.

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30487-6?_returnURL=https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0092867420304876?showall=true
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And you say "Georgian Jewish is a fancy word for Ashkenazi", well, Gedmatch USES THE TERM Ashkenazi as well. Why? Because Georgian Jews are pure Middle Eastern Jews. Ashkenazi and Georgian Jewish are NOT the same.

Here is a genetic result of an Ash Jew (no fancy words at all, they openly use Ashkenazi):
