Eddie Brock

yes yes its that time again www.underworldhiphop.net/lay_Ez_productions new song up by SpittFire hes rappin on a beat Eddie brock made peep it check it out tell me what u guys think just made it ealrier today thanks make sure to keep visitn our pages me and eddie thanks alot
Lay-Ez-Productions said:
yeah a wholeee one welll there is no jellybeans anymore i got stoned and had the munchies and i ate it but u get a imaginary jellybean still

The black ones are the best when you're stoned :lol: :2hearts:
well welll well i did a remix the other night of a britney spears song i belive its called Everytime im thinking mostly chicks will wanna hear it but whatever i was bored and made it if anyone wnats to hear it ill post up a link for it on yousendit.com let me know

andddd i dont like black jellybeans there not goood yukkk i dont like jellybeans at all i like sour candy the most sour u can find thats what i like when im stoned
welll it snot making fun of her its just taking her song and turning it into a hip hop or r n b song by puttin ga beat cuz it doenst have a beat and user her voice for the chourus cuz her voice is fuckin sick even though she cant sing the way they fix it up in the studio it snice i love it
well laidies and gentleman boys and girls childern of all ages heres the britney spears remix http://s58.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=181VVD1C1XWDA1QCFD7D4GICXT i think its nice to listen to sounds calm and nice relaxing i dont plan on making a track on this or nothign itsj ust for fun so enjoy
Lay-Ez-Productions said:
well laidies and gentleman boys and girls childern of all ages heres the britney spears remix http://s58.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=181VVD1C1XWDA1QCFD7D4GICXT i think its nice to listen to sounds calm and nice relaxing i dont plan on making a track on this or nothign itsj ust for fun so enjoy

The beat is pretty nice. From Brithney singing on the hook to the piano sampling to the verses, it does go together. Not to mention, the drumkits is nice as well.
well thanks for the one person who understands the concept of sampling music production who can appreciate the beat even though it is britney spears lol thanks but i dont relaly like the drum kit i might change it around i wanna make it into a fast dance beat for the fags that go to clubs with glow sticks and prance around
Lay-Ez-Productions said:
well thanks for the one person who understands the concept of sampling music production who can appreciate the beat even though it is britney spears lol thanks but i dont relaly like the drum kit i might change it around i wanna make it into a fast dance beat for the fags that go to clubs with glow sticks and prance around

Well, honestly, it doesn't need that much to improve. Just ask EddieBrock to spit on it. Listening to a full track would sound differently by listening to just a instrumental. :)
yeahh i knwo what u mean hearing it with someone rapping on it would sound better but i dont think i can get eddie to ra p on this beat even if i put a bazooka to his head at point blank range i cant see him rapping on it hed just make me shoot the bazooka and we would both blow up and then no more beats no more raps so lol thats out of the question