Common phrases in Assyrian


Staff member
Lots of people search the internet for some simple and common Assyrian phrases like 'I love you', 'how are you, 'what is your name', 'thank you' etc.

Let us dedicate this to simple, common and everyday Assyrian phrases.

I will start it with the following:

Note: since there is different ways of saying something depending on gender, we will use (M) for male and (F) for female.

What do you do?
M: modi oudet?
F: modi oudat?

Do you want to eat/drink something?
M: bayet akhlet/shatet mindi?
F: bayat akhlat/shatat mindi?

I am tired
M: shantana wen
F: shantanta wan
when i read the title all i could think about is:   you scared me -->  moopqilookh lbbi :mrgreen: (cause we dont really say "moozdilookh alli" we usually use mopqilukh lbbi) :mrgreen:

thats a common phrase.... i think!
xnicksomox said:
Chaldeans say you scared me as "Kim mazditee"
heyyyyyy Nick! :D we havent heard from u in a long time nasha! :)

ya we do 2!! we say "qam mazditti" for u scared me, but we usually use this weird phrase "moopqilukh lbbi" --> translated: u have blown my heart! lol :D
how are you? - aydarbo at?
thanks, i?m good - taudi, touo no
what are you doing? min ko saym at?
give greeting at home - hau shlome lu bayto
may god be with you - aloho a'mokh
stay in peace - fush bshlomo
This thread should be a sticky.  :)

I'm hungry: Kpeenan (m), kpenten (f)

How old are you: Kma shinet?

I am sick: Meryen (m), mreetan (f)

Will you marry me: Guratly? (m), guretly? (f)

I am sad: Psheemen (m), pshmten (f)

Can I help you: Bayit hayarta? (to male) Bayat hayarta? (to a female)

Shut up: Chum pumookh (to a male), chum pumakh (to a female)

Don't speak: La hamzem

Help me: Hayeri

Please: Basmalookh (to male), basmalakh (to female)

How much: Kma?

How many times: Kma gay?

Come here: Ta lakha

This way: Men tama

Get lost: Khush tlup

Give it to me: Meleh qaty/Mela qaty

Enough already/stop: Basa kheena

I'm going to work: Khashen shoola

I'm coming: Dun betaya

I'm going: Dun bekhasha

Come with me: Ta menee

I don't understand: Len parmooyeh

I miss you: Mokhniyen menookh (to a male), mokhniyen menakh (to female)

I hate you: Sanenookh (to male), sanenakh (to female)

I'm going to kill you: Qatlanookh (female to male), qatlanakh (female to female), qatlinookh (male to male), qatlinakh (male to female)

Give me money: Melee zoozeh, hali zoozeh, yawely zoozeh (could use any of them)

Godspeed: Alah menookh (to male), alah menakh (to female)

You know what: Yat moo? (colloquial, to both genders)/Yatet moody (m), yatat moody (f)

Let us play: Ta Talekh

I respect you: Itlee iqara qatookh (to male), itlee iqara qatakh (to female)

Don't go: La khoosh

'X' =khet, kh, rough 'H' sound. 'Q' is Qop, hard 'K' sound from the throat like in the word Qala. TT is used to represent Ttet, hard 'T' sound that sounds almost like a 'D'

Myouqra /Myouqarta: Gentleman, Sir, Mister / Lady, Madam, Miss or Mrs.

In besma-L'oux: If it pleases thee, please. -The word basim means 'heal' or 'please' however, if followed by a lammad, it renders 'heal to' which exclusively means 'please' as in 'to please someone'.

Besma ganoux: Good for you! Good job! Nice work! Well done! Attaboy! -Literally It heals yourself! It Pleases Yourself!

Aleeyon /Yasha: Bravo! Well done!

Beena: Yes (a polite way of acknowledging that someone is calling for you or addressing you), Please repeat (polite), clarify what was said (polite)

Axa: Here

Ho: Here. Hon; I'm here. Hot: Your (singular) here. Hotun: Your (plural) here. O is pronounced like 'au' in 'auditorium'

L'axa: Hither

Tamoha / Tamox /Tama / Tamaha / Tamax: There

L'Tamox / L'Tama etc (as above): Thither

Ha: Here! There you Go! Here it is! Get a load! Behold!

Eeda b'eeda (iydab iyda): With haste! Double Time! Yallah! -Literally, 'hand in hand' or 'hand by hand'

Me'lyiz: Rush, make haste.

Bree: Leave alone ; don' t do that ! forget it ! quit that ! hands off ! stay away (from me ...)

Bree mini: leave me alone, let me be.

Prouq mini: Get lost, leave me alone, be done with me. -Literally finish/be done/end with/from me.

B'nawsha /Xa b'nawsha: Alone. Xa b'noshi /b'noshi: by myself

Baseema: Thanks. -literally meaning pleasant or tasty.

Haw-it baseema: Thanks (to a male). -Literally, 'You (will/do) be pleasant/delicious/healed'

Shlama-L'oux: Peace be upon thee (to a male), Greetings!

Tliqla dounya ilee: I'm totally lost! I've no idea! -Literally, ' The world got lost to me'

M'asyim bala L'ganoukh: Take care, Look after yourself. -Literally 'place /set-up /arrange/focus your mind to yourself'

Maha /Ma /Modi /Mo: What?

Qa-maha /Qa-modi etc (as above): Why? -Literally 'for what?'

L'ma / L'mo etc (as the two above): Why? -Literally and classically, 'for what'. the lammad is now used by most to say 'to' rather than 'for' which makes it sound like your saying 'to what?'.

Hurrah (although uncommon nowadays): Hurrah!

Mini mini. Following me, exactly as i do, after me, together with me. -literally 'from me, from me' or 'with me, with me' (although i would recommend only using 'min' to say 'from')

Neexa neexa: with ease and care, gently, softly, carefully.

Qttil-oukh diba: (sarcasm) Good job, what an achievement. -literally 'you killed the bear'

Darit shlama L 'x': Send my regards to 'x' -literally meaning pour peace unto 'x'.

Way (Wai) /Waya: Woe

Way minakh: Woe from you (to a female).

Ya: Oh. As the oh in 'oh my Lord'

Oy:  Oh ! an exclamation of sorrow or grief or pain or agony

Woy: Woah! Woah there!

Ah: ah!, wow!, alas!.

Haypee(h): Alas!, What a pity!, What a shame!

Aha: Alas!

Ubeea: Alas! Woe!

Heyou /Ta: Come

Xoush: Go

Ezil /Yezil: Journey, To go on one's way. Some may use it to mean 'depart' others use it exactly as 'go'

Zee /See /Zo /So /Zul (all come from Ezil /Yezil): Go

La: No, not.

Chu /Ich: No. -when negating a quantity or the existence of something that directly follows the word such as: no person, no meaning etc

He/ E(Eh) /Ye: Yes
Sharukinu said:
'X' =khet, kh, rough 'H' sound. 'Q' is Qop, hard 'K' sound from the throat like in the word Qala. TT is used to represent Ttet, hard 'T' sound that sounds almost like a 'D'

Myouqra /Myouqarta: Gentleman, Sir, Mister / Lady, Madam, Miss or Mrs.

In besma-L'oux: If it pleases thee, please. -The word basim means 'heal' or 'please' however, if followed by a lammad, it renders 'heal to' which exclusively means 'please' as in 'to please someone'.

Besma ganoux: Good for you! Good job! Nice work! Well done! Attaboy! -Literally It heals yourself! It Pleases Yourself!

Aleeyon /Yasha: Bravo! Well done!

Beena: Yes (a polite way of acknowledging that someone is calling for you or addressing you), Please repeat (polite), clarify what was said (polite)

Axa: Here

Ho: Here. Hon; I'm here. Hot: Your (singular) here. Hotun: Your (plural) here. O is pronounced like 'au' in 'auditorium'

L'axa: Hither

Tamoha / Tamox /Tama / Tamaha / Tamax: There

L'Tamox / L'Tama etc (as above): Thither

Ha: Here! There you Go! Here it is! Get a load! Behold!

Eeda b'eeda (iydab iyda): With haste! Double Time! Yallah! -Literally, 'hand in hand' or 'hand by hand'

Me'lyiz: Rush, make haste.

Bree: Leave alone ; don' t do that ! forget it ! quit that ! hands off ! stay away (from me ...)

Bree mini: leave me alone, let me be.

Prouq mini: Get lost, leave me alone, be done with me. -Literally finish/be done/end with/from me.

B'nawsha /Xa b'nawsha: Alone. Xa b'noshi /b'noshi: by myself

Baseema: Thanks. -literally meaning pleasant or tasty.

Haw-it baseema: Thanks (to a male). -Literally, 'You (will/do) be pleasant/delicious/healed'

Shlama-L'oux: Peace be upon thee (to a male), Greetings!

Tliqla dounya ilee: I'm totally lost! I've no idea! -Literally, ' The world got lost to me'

M'asyim bala L'ganoukh: Take care, Look after yourself. -Literally 'place /set-up /arrange/focus your mind to yourself'

Maha /Ma /Modi /Mo: What?

Qa-maha /Qa-modi etc (as above): Why? -Literally 'for what?'

L'ma / L'mo etc (as the two above): Why? -Literally and classically, 'for what'. the lammad is now used by most to say 'to' rather than 'for' which makes it sound like your saying 'to what?'.

Hurrah (although uncommon nowadays): Hurrah!

Mini mini. Following me, exactly as i do, after me, together with me. -literally 'from me, from me' or 'with me, with me' (although i would recommend only using 'min' to say 'from')

Neexa neexa: with ease and care, gently, softly, carefully.

Qttil-oukh diba: (sarcasm) Good job, what an achievement. -literally 'you killed the bear'

Darit shlama L 'x': Send my regards to 'x' -literally meaning pour peace unto 'x'.

Way (Wai) /Waya: Woe

Way minakh: Woe from you (to a female).

Ya: Oh. As the oh in 'oh my Lord'

Oy:  Oh ! an exclamation of sorrow or grief or pain or agony

Woy: Woah! Woah there!

Ah: ah!, wow!, alas!.

Haypee(h): Alas!, What a pity!, What a shame!

Aha: Alas!

Ubeea: Alas! Woe!

Heyou /Ta: Come

Xoush: Go

Ezil /Yezil: Journey, To go on one's way. Some may use it to mean 'depart' others use it exactly as 'go'

Zee /See /Zo /So /Zul (all come from Ezil /Yezil): Go

La: No, not.

Chu /Ich: No. -when negating a quantity or the existence of something that directly follows the word such as: no person, no meaning etc

He/ E(Eh) /Ye: Yes
Sharukinu, if that's okay with you, I used your samples (and mine) in my Wikiversity entry of Assyrian language guide.
Neon said:
Sharukinu, if that's okay with you, I used your samples (and mine) in my Wikiversity entry of Assyrian language guide.

No problem, it could use some tweaking though.