Urhay Committee of Windsor presents Christmas Party 2011 with Lazar Malko and Oleen Rehana, including Harp Band and DJ Endy.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
8:00pm until 2:00am
Serbian Centre , 6770 Tecumseh Rd. E. Windsor, ON
Adults - $20
Kids - $10
$25 at the door
Food and drinks available at the hall.
42" TV and many more great prizes.
Tickets are sold at Arabic supermarkets. For more info., call:
Sam: 519-990-6484
Ben: 519-890-6104
Sponsored by:
Windsor Palace Restaurant
Babylon Market
Dijla & AlForat
Baled Market
All proceeds go to St. Thomas Assyrian Church of the East.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
8:00pm until 2:00am
Serbian Centre , 6770 Tecumseh Rd. E. Windsor, ON
Adults - $20
Kids - $10
$25 at the door
Food and drinks available at the hall.
42" TV and many more great prizes.
Tickets are sold at Arabic supermarkets. For more info., call:
Sam: 519-990-6484
Ben: 519-890-6104
Sponsored by:
Windsor Palace Restaurant
Babylon Market
Dijla & AlForat
Baled Market
All proceeds go to St. Thomas Assyrian Church of the East.