no really, you guys should check out Minak Lillah - by ragheb alama. i cant get enough of this song...
ill send you guys songs with lyrics ive prepared..and translation if ppl are interested?
leki ro7i anta, hayati anta, ba7ibak anta, ma3rafshi leh. law bassi layla, tegeeni layla, seneen 6aweela, 6ab 3amal leh.........
anyone can give a stab at translating this?
my effort: "my soul is yours/to you i give my soul, you are my life, i love you, i dont know why. if only one night, you come to me at night, the years are long, then/so why has this happened?"
ok my arabic sucks i know, eena i cant find english lyrics. i was able to read the arabic tho :shades: