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I found out that Visual Studio allows multilingual identifiers.
I quickly took advantage of this to translate many of the C and C++ keywords for Syriac
There's many keywords yet to be translated but I translated a good amount as much as I possibly can.
some translations are calques, direct translations, or actually good translations.
hopefully Carlo and you guys can review these to tell me what you guys think.
this should help in preserving our language just a bit!
I quickly took advantage of this to translate many of the C and C++ keywords for Syriac
There's many keywords yet to be translated but I translated a good amount as much as I possibly can.
some translations are calques, direct translations, or actually good translations.
hopefully Carlo and you guys can review these to tell me what you guys think.
this should help in preserving our language just a bit!
Syriac/Assyrian C & C++ translated keywords by Sahda Yonan
This is for all the Assyrian/Syriac IT and software specialists.
Hopefully, you guys will add to this list and nekhsha alokhon!
Please keep your language alive and keep it alive by learning your alphabet
Our language didn't survive to modern times only for it to die...
????? ?????? ?? ??++ ?? ???? ????
???? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????
?????? ?????? ?????? ??????
?????? ????????? ??????
????? ?? ??? ????? ?????
// Version 1.1
#ifndef __SYRIACDEF__
#define __SYRIACDEF__
//#define ??? include // "aser" - to tie together, join // Doesn't work... Someday...
#define ???? main // "reesha" - head, top, leader
// Data types
#define ???? int // "menya" - a number, integer - usually 32-bit
#define ???? short // "beSSra" - small portion (synonym of pesta but for integers) - usually 16-bit integer
#define ?????? long // "rab menya" - greater number, integer - long is 64-bit integer
#define ???? float // "pesta" - portion, lot
#define ?????? double // "rab-pesta" - greater portion, lot (double means double precision which is essentially a bigger float)
#define ???? string // "meltha" - word, noun
#define ????? char // "atwata" - letter, character
//#define ????? ptr // "sheweela/sheveela" - path, road, trace
#define ?????? bool // "kalkaltha" - switch, lever; from Akkadian "kalkaltu/kakkaltu"
#define ??? true // "sharer" - to be firm, truthful
#define ??? false // "shaqer" - to be deceitful, to deceive
#define ????? const // "kootara" - remaining, staying, awaiting
#define ????? signed // "ameena" - authentic, verified, constant
#define ???? nullptr // "sepqa" - emptied, missing
#define ????? void // "geneeza" - concealed, hidden (void pointers are just typeless data, void functions just run code so I'm pertaining this to void pointers)
#define ???? static // "gawaya" - internal
// Composite Data types
#define ????? enum // "menayta" - numbering, counting
#define ????? class // "amoma/amooma" - mould, shaping device
#define ???? struct // "kensha" - collection, gathering, assembly, congregation
#define ??? this // "yatha" - the self, soul
#define ???? namespace // "khaqla/HHaqla" - farm (the idea is that a farm is a plot of land, a namespace is essentially a plot of code)
#define ????? template // "dmutha" - likeness, model, pattern
#define ???? array // "luHa / lukha" - table
#define ?????? union // "Khdayuta/HHdayuta" - union, joining together, uniting
// Control statements
#define ?? if // "en" - if
#define ??? else // "ela" - else
#define ????? switch // "mathla" - comparison
#define ??? case // "dma" - to copy, look like
#define ????? default // "gedshta" - contingency, chance, event, fortune
#define ?? while // "(ad" - while
#define ???? do // "zeh" - to do, to go, to be off
#define ?? for // "qa" - for
#define ??? break // "kaley" - stop, discontinue;
#define ??? continue // "(aber" - to pass, to skip over
#define ??? goto // "shader" - to send, deliver
// Miscellaneous
#define ??? return // "mader" - to return, resend
//#define ??? #define // "tuhhama/tukhama" - limiting, defining
#define ???? sizeof // "kayla" - measuring, size, amount, quantity - from the root "k-w-l" relating to measuring
#define ??? new // "yaheb" - to give, allow, put (new or malloc essentially just gives available memory)
#define ??? delete // "lakhey / laHHey" - to delete, destroy, wipe out
#define ????? using // "khshakhta" - use, utility, employment, need, necessity, want, usefulness
#define ???? typedef // "khshakha" - use, utility, employment, need, necessity, want, usefulness (redefinition)
#define ??? inline // "khlaf/HHlaf" - to change, exchange (inline functions are pretty much like #defines but for functions that are not macros)
#define ??? explicit // "tareSS" - to straighten, to correct, to stand, to direct - the purpose of using this root is that the "explicit" keyword forces you to do explicit (direct) conversions..
// These are subject to change...
#define ????? dynamic_cast // "shunaya" - transitioning
#define ????? static_cast // "shanayta" - transference
#define ??_????? reinterpret_cast // "kul shanayta" - total transference - reinterpret_cast typecasts between types unrestrictedly, so kulleh :)
#define ???_????? const_cast // "shaney kutara" - lazy direct translation of "changing constant", will very likely change in the future
// Class storage classes and various
#define ??? private // "TTashey" - to hide, conceal
#define ???? public // "gelya" - uncovered, revealed
#define ??? protected // "qarer" - to be cold, to freeze
#define ???? operator // "remza" - hint, sign, mark, symbol
#define ???? friend // "samka" - supporter, upholder, room the root S-M-K related to supporting.
#define ??? virtual // "SSan'e" - verb - to act craftly, with guile, to contrive cleverly
// parata ... => one - for fractions, from Akkadian parasu ... meaning one ...nth
#define ???? typeid // "gawna" - type, kind, species
#define ??? try // "baHHer / bakher" - to try, to trial, to test
#define ??? catch // "baSSer" - to narrow
#define ???? throw // "rshama" - indicating, foreshadowing
#define ? 0 // leeta
#define ? 1 // kh(d)a
#define ? 2 // treyn
#define ? 3 // tlatha
#define ? 4 // arb'a
#define ? 5 // HHamsha
#define ? 6 // ishta
#define ? 7 // shova
#define ? 8 // tmenya
#define ? 9 // it-sha
Keywords remaining for translation! -> refer to