ܬܘܚܡܐ ܕܓܒܐ ܐܫܘܪܝܐ ܐܘܡܬܢܝܐ ܡܬܩܕܡܢܐ
Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party
Constitution and Fundamental Law
The Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party
Email: asolo@ameritech.net
The Constitution and Fundamental Law
The Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party
Founder: Ashur Beth-Shlimon
1st. of Nisan 6739
14 of April 1989
Article 1 - Title:
This party shall be titled, "The Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party." (APNP)
Article 2 - Purpose:
The purpose of the APNP is:
A - To revive the Assyrian nation.
B - To aid in the struggle against backward forces and strive for modernization.
C - To aid in the struggle against fanaticism and strive to create a new Assyrian nationality to be accepted by civilized societies.
D - To promote equality, justice, peace and the pursuit of happiness.
E -
1) The ASSYRIAN nation's name can't and will not under any circumstances be altered, modified or corrupted.
2) The VIOLATORS will be considered in the eyes of the APNP as CRIMINALS and TRAITORS.
Article 3 ? Definitions and Fundamental Principles:
A - Greater Assyria (Iraq) is a political geographical unit, and therefore its citizens are considered a complete nation.
B - The Assyriac (language) shall be the official language of the nation.
C - The components of our Assyrian nation are biology and geography i.e., people and land: history and culture.
D - Greater Assyria belongs to the Assyrian people, who alone should have the right to direct its destiny.
E - The Assyrians are the inhabitants of Mesopotamia i.e., Beth-Nahrein (Iraq) or whoever descends of the Assyrian origin.
F - No other nationalities exist in Greater Assyria except the Assyrian nation. If there are any other nationalities such are theoretical or alien.
Article 4 ? The Intentions and Goals:
A - To revive our Assyrian nation.
B - To restore our historic and geographical territories.
C - To support and defend the principles and constitutional rights in our homeland.
D - To promote the freedom of speech, assembly, worship, and the right to vote.
E - To eliminate fanaticism and chauvinism, and strive with all peaceful means and ways to create a human progressive Assyrian nationality.
F - To combat backward forces, lead our nation from its oppressed state and join the civilized progressive world.
G - To abstain from prejudicial and oppressive tactics in our Assyrian national progressive society.
H - To foster progression, advancement and prosperity of the individual, his family, the nation and humanity at large.
I - To support and encourage the progressive movements and to foster modernization and human advancement.
J - To support peaceful efforts in resolving all international conflicts and national disputes.
K - To combat oppression in our homeland and around the world.
Article 5- General Principles:
A - The Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party is a popular nationalistic party and representative of the Assyrian population's ideals, goals and ambitions.
B - The headquarter of the party shall be in the city of Baghdad, Iraq (Greater Assyria).
C - The foundation of the economic system of the APNP is a moderate capitalism.
D - The APNP is a party for the people with a purpose to create a sovereign nation premised upon liberty v integrity and justice.
E - The APNP is a secular party upholding the separation of church and state, the religious bodies from the governmental authorities.
F - The Assyrian homeland is the land lying between the Zagros Mountains in the east, the Khabur valley and the Syrian desert in the west, the Taurus Mountains ends which are known as Assyrian Mountains in the north, the Gulf of Fao in the south.
G - The emblem of our nation shall be the star of Nararm-Sin and God Ea in the centre of the circle.
H - All the emblems used by our forefathers are respected and may be recognized.
I - The Assyrian calendar year and the Assyrian months are official and shall be used together with the Christian and Moslem calendars.
J - The Assyrian New Year, the 14th of July and the November 27th announcement (1988) are official holidays.
K - The Arabization process is an oppressive act and inhumane. The duty of our nation's new generation is to change its course.
L - The Assyrian (Iraqi) woman shall enjoy the freedom and liberty afforded the Assyrian (Iraqi) man.
M - Polygamy is prohibited in our Assyrian progressive society.
N - No party member may participate in acts of homosexuality or lesbianism.
O - The migration and plight of our people is a most crucial issue which shall be addressed by the APNP.
Article 6- The Party and the Internal Policy:
A - The political system of the Assyrian state is a constitutional parliamentarian regime. The executive power is responsible before the legislative, which is directly elected by the people.
B - The Assyrian tie is the only national tie that may exist in our homeland. It ensures love and harmony among all people and counteracts all religious, racial and communal upheaval.
C - A uniform code of laws is to be established freely for the Assyrian nation. The code will be in conformity with the spirit of the time and will take into consideration the past experience of our nation.
D - Military service shall be mandatory in the Assyrian state.
E - The APNP, will facilitate a free spiritual progressive Assyrian nationality comparable to modern and advanced world.
F -
1 - The APNP will strive for a clean environment and take immediate action against further destruction of forests, pollution of lakes, rivers and sea shores, and poisoning of the soil.
2 - To further the above-stated environmental goals, the APNP shall establish a Department of the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources.
G - The APNP upholds an industrious and productive society which will be the basis for our national economy.
Article 7 - The Party and the Foreign Policy:
A - The APNP shall cooperate and peacefully interact with neighboring countries and all other nations worldwide.
B - The APNP shall promote the education and well-being of the Assyrian people and demote all forces which threaten its existence.
C - All treaties and documents enacted by governments which detract from the sovereignty of the Assyrian nation will be abrogated.
D - The APNP will strive to promote the nonaligned policy.
E - The APNP shall boycott all oppressive and dictatorial regimes and those who do not abide with the United Nations Charter.
F - All decrees which are issued by the Iraqi regimes to grant the so-called Kurdish speaking people an autonomy will be abrogated.
G - The Egyptian migration to Iraq should be stopped at, once, and all Egyptians living in our country should be DEPORTED to their homeland immediately.
Article 8 - The Party and the Economic Policy:
A - The APNP is in favor of a free entrepreneurial economic society and shall promote free enterprise and the spirit of competition in all endeavors.
B - Equal opportunity in employment, wage-earning, and employee rights and benefits shall be promoted in the public and private business sectors and the state shall have the authority to enact such laws as may be necessary to further non-discriminatory employment practices.
Employee unions and labor organizations shall be permitted to uphold and ensure employee rights and benefits.
C - Ownership and inheritance are two natural rights which must be protected by the law of the land and will be promoted by the APNP.
D - The APNP shall promote free trade on interstate and International levels.
E - The APNP shall propose the establishment of a state which will promote and uphold the ideals and advancements of the modern western world and shall seek the aid and advice of those countries, particularly the United States of America, in furtherance of such economic and social goals.
F - The state will encourage tourism and unrestricted access to other friendly nations. The state shall discourage all acts of terrorism and sabotage.
Article 9 - The Party and the Social Policy:
A - The family is the nucleus of our nation and must be maintained and protected. The unity of a family means the unity of our nation. Our APNP will strive to promote family unity and protect the lives of all Assyrian (Iraqi) people.
B - Marriage is a sacred doctrine espoused by the almighty God and must be respected and protected in our progressive Assyrian society.
C - The APNP shall prohibit abortion, except in that instance where the mothers' life and health may be endangered.
D - In order to achieve our progressive Assyrian society, the APNP shall recommend an open marriage regardless of the sect.
E - The private and public sectors must ensure the public health by providing such medical facilities, dispensaries, clinics and hospitals which will meet the nation's needs.
Article 10 - Labor Force:
A - Fruitful employment and labor shall be required of all persons able and capable of such, and the private and public sectors shall encourage such gainful employment and labor.
B - The state shall set a standard minimum wage requirement to be complied with by all employers.
C - The state will provide support for all those who are handicapped or incapable of work.
D - The state will have the authority to enact laws as may be necessary to establish and enforce a uniform set of standards in respect to labor and employment policies, including but not limited to maximum hours and conditions of labor, minimum age requirements in the work force, minimum wage requirements and mandatory retirement policies.
Article 11 - Culture and Society:
A - The APNP seeks to develop a general national culture which is based on our values and heritage.
B - The APNP will strive to ensure all citizens the liberties i.e., to express, protest, worship, elect, publish and assemble.
C - The state shall encourage the intellectual work of its citizens in all fields.
D - The APNP will ensure the freedom of forming such social groups and congregatings as clubs, parties, associations and athletic teams.
E - The Assyrian nation is one of the oldest civilized societies and nomadism in our country developed with the Arab occupation. The state shall take all steps to settle these nomadic people or alternatively, deport them to the Arabian peninsula.
It is very important to note that these nomad Arabs through the ages have damaged our environment.
Article 12 - Education:
A - The education policy of the APNP is to create a new Assyrian generation which believes strongly in revival of our entity, and in eternity of our Assyrian mission.
B - The Assyrianization Process should be completed with a plan. All citizens shall be required to learn the Assyriac language, the language which the Arab conquest abolished.
The APNP shall not forbid the practice or use of the Arabic language, because our nation is not hostile to any nation's language. The APNP shall encourage our people to further their education and enhance their knowledge in all aspects of life.
C - Education is very important to the progress of our nation, therefore our APNP will encourage education in all means and ways. Our nation's doors will be open to all people to establish any educational institutions.
D - Education at all stages in public institutions shall be free for all citizens. Primary and secondary education shall be compulsory.
E - Public and private professional schools with modern equipment, resources and facilities shall be established.
Article 13 - The Party and Regional Policy:
A - The Kurdish Question:
The APNP believes that no part of our beloved homeland historically or ethnically belongs to the so-called Kurds. The Kurdish speaking people in our country are merely Assyrians who under the Islamization process have been converted to Islam and have adopted their neighboring language, the Iranian Parthians (Kurds).
The Kurds homeland if exists that is beyond the Assyrian frontiers - in Iran.
B - The Lebanese Question:
The APNP believes that the unity of Lebanon is essential and that the Lebanese people must achieve it. We also believe that foreign interference in the Lebanese affairs has caused the turmoil and bloodshed. Lebanese unity will be preserved when the Lebanese people set down and resolve their differences in a freely manner.
C - The Palestinian Question:
The APNP believes that the Jews have the right to consider Palestine as their homeland. The
Jewish people, as we have learned through history were dispersed by the Mesopotamians (AssyroBabylonians), Romans and Arabs.
Irrespective of the foregoing, the Palestinians have the same right to live there and to establish their own state.
We recommend and encourage both ethnic groups to cooperate together in order to live in -peace and harmony instead of shedding their blood in vain.
D - The International Conference on the Artificial Borders Which Shaped the Middle Eastern Countries:
When the Ottoman Empire collapsed in the beginning of this century and the western influence increased in shaping the Middle Eastern destiny, artificial borders were drawn by the western colonies where a portion of our Assyrian territories were annexed to Iran, Turkey and Syria. Meanwhile other nations as the Greeks, Syrians and Armenians lost a portion of their country to the Turks.
1 - We as the APNP appeal to the concerned nations to call upon the United Nation Organization for an international conference in order to regain our lost territories in peaceful ways and means.
2 - If such peaceful efforts fail, then the concerned countries are free to use any method to regain their lost territories.
Article 14 - Amendments:
The fundamental and general principles of the constitution i.e., Part I, Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, may not be amended nor repealed.
All other provisions contained herein are subject to revision, repeal and amendment and may be revised, repealed or amended in accordance with such procedures and laws as hereinafter provided.
Some points are very interesting. Would be a nice dream reaching such an Assyria which is described there, but for that we will need decades to reach it if not hundreds of years
Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party
Constitution and Fundamental Law
The Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party
Email: asolo@ameritech.net
The Constitution and Fundamental Law
The Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party
Founder: Ashur Beth-Shlimon
1st. of Nisan 6739
14 of April 1989
Article 1 - Title:
This party shall be titled, "The Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party." (APNP)
Article 2 - Purpose:
The purpose of the APNP is:
A - To revive the Assyrian nation.
B - To aid in the struggle against backward forces and strive for modernization.
C - To aid in the struggle against fanaticism and strive to create a new Assyrian nationality to be accepted by civilized societies.
D - To promote equality, justice, peace and the pursuit of happiness.
E -
1) The ASSYRIAN nation's name can't and will not under any circumstances be altered, modified or corrupted.
2) The VIOLATORS will be considered in the eyes of the APNP as CRIMINALS and TRAITORS.
Article 3 ? Definitions and Fundamental Principles:
A - Greater Assyria (Iraq) is a political geographical unit, and therefore its citizens are considered a complete nation.
B - The Assyriac (language) shall be the official language of the nation.
C - The components of our Assyrian nation are biology and geography i.e., people and land: history and culture.
D - Greater Assyria belongs to the Assyrian people, who alone should have the right to direct its destiny.
E - The Assyrians are the inhabitants of Mesopotamia i.e., Beth-Nahrein (Iraq) or whoever descends of the Assyrian origin.
F - No other nationalities exist in Greater Assyria except the Assyrian nation. If there are any other nationalities such are theoretical or alien.
Article 4 ? The Intentions and Goals:
A - To revive our Assyrian nation.
B - To restore our historic and geographical territories.
C - To support and defend the principles and constitutional rights in our homeland.
D - To promote the freedom of speech, assembly, worship, and the right to vote.
E - To eliminate fanaticism and chauvinism, and strive with all peaceful means and ways to create a human progressive Assyrian nationality.
F - To combat backward forces, lead our nation from its oppressed state and join the civilized progressive world.
G - To abstain from prejudicial and oppressive tactics in our Assyrian national progressive society.
H - To foster progression, advancement and prosperity of the individual, his family, the nation and humanity at large.
I - To support and encourage the progressive movements and to foster modernization and human advancement.
J - To support peaceful efforts in resolving all international conflicts and national disputes.
K - To combat oppression in our homeland and around the world.
Article 5- General Principles:
A - The Assyrian Progressive Nationalist Party is a popular nationalistic party and representative of the Assyrian population's ideals, goals and ambitions.
B - The headquarter of the party shall be in the city of Baghdad, Iraq (Greater Assyria).
C - The foundation of the economic system of the APNP is a moderate capitalism.
D - The APNP is a party for the people with a purpose to create a sovereign nation premised upon liberty v integrity and justice.
E - The APNP is a secular party upholding the separation of church and state, the religious bodies from the governmental authorities.
F - The Assyrian homeland is the land lying between the Zagros Mountains in the east, the Khabur valley and the Syrian desert in the west, the Taurus Mountains ends which are known as Assyrian Mountains in the north, the Gulf of Fao in the south.
G - The emblem of our nation shall be the star of Nararm-Sin and God Ea in the centre of the circle.
H - All the emblems used by our forefathers are respected and may be recognized.
I - The Assyrian calendar year and the Assyrian months are official and shall be used together with the Christian and Moslem calendars.
J - The Assyrian New Year, the 14th of July and the November 27th announcement (1988) are official holidays.
K - The Arabization process is an oppressive act and inhumane. The duty of our nation's new generation is to change its course.
L - The Assyrian (Iraqi) woman shall enjoy the freedom and liberty afforded the Assyrian (Iraqi) man.
M - Polygamy is prohibited in our Assyrian progressive society.
N - No party member may participate in acts of homosexuality or lesbianism.
O - The migration and plight of our people is a most crucial issue which shall be addressed by the APNP.
Article 6- The Party and the Internal Policy:
A - The political system of the Assyrian state is a constitutional parliamentarian regime. The executive power is responsible before the legislative, which is directly elected by the people.
B - The Assyrian tie is the only national tie that may exist in our homeland. It ensures love and harmony among all people and counteracts all religious, racial and communal upheaval.
C - A uniform code of laws is to be established freely for the Assyrian nation. The code will be in conformity with the spirit of the time and will take into consideration the past experience of our nation.
D - Military service shall be mandatory in the Assyrian state.
E - The APNP, will facilitate a free spiritual progressive Assyrian nationality comparable to modern and advanced world.
F -
1 - The APNP will strive for a clean environment and take immediate action against further destruction of forests, pollution of lakes, rivers and sea shores, and poisoning of the soil.
2 - To further the above-stated environmental goals, the APNP shall establish a Department of the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources.
G - The APNP upholds an industrious and productive society which will be the basis for our national economy.
Article 7 - The Party and the Foreign Policy:
A - The APNP shall cooperate and peacefully interact with neighboring countries and all other nations worldwide.
B - The APNP shall promote the education and well-being of the Assyrian people and demote all forces which threaten its existence.
C - All treaties and documents enacted by governments which detract from the sovereignty of the Assyrian nation will be abrogated.
D - The APNP will strive to promote the nonaligned policy.
E - The APNP shall boycott all oppressive and dictatorial regimes and those who do not abide with the United Nations Charter.
F - All decrees which are issued by the Iraqi regimes to grant the so-called Kurdish speaking people an autonomy will be abrogated.
G - The Egyptian migration to Iraq should be stopped at, once, and all Egyptians living in our country should be DEPORTED to their homeland immediately.
Article 8 - The Party and the Economic Policy:
A - The APNP is in favor of a free entrepreneurial economic society and shall promote free enterprise and the spirit of competition in all endeavors.
B - Equal opportunity in employment, wage-earning, and employee rights and benefits shall be promoted in the public and private business sectors and the state shall have the authority to enact such laws as may be necessary to further non-discriminatory employment practices.
Employee unions and labor organizations shall be permitted to uphold and ensure employee rights and benefits.
C - Ownership and inheritance are two natural rights which must be protected by the law of the land and will be promoted by the APNP.
D - The APNP shall promote free trade on interstate and International levels.
E - The APNP shall propose the establishment of a state which will promote and uphold the ideals and advancements of the modern western world and shall seek the aid and advice of those countries, particularly the United States of America, in furtherance of such economic and social goals.
F - The state will encourage tourism and unrestricted access to other friendly nations. The state shall discourage all acts of terrorism and sabotage.
Article 9 - The Party and the Social Policy:
A - The family is the nucleus of our nation and must be maintained and protected. The unity of a family means the unity of our nation. Our APNP will strive to promote family unity and protect the lives of all Assyrian (Iraqi) people.
B - Marriage is a sacred doctrine espoused by the almighty God and must be respected and protected in our progressive Assyrian society.
C - The APNP shall prohibit abortion, except in that instance where the mothers' life and health may be endangered.
D - In order to achieve our progressive Assyrian society, the APNP shall recommend an open marriage regardless of the sect.
E - The private and public sectors must ensure the public health by providing such medical facilities, dispensaries, clinics and hospitals which will meet the nation's needs.
Article 10 - Labor Force:
A - Fruitful employment and labor shall be required of all persons able and capable of such, and the private and public sectors shall encourage such gainful employment and labor.
B - The state shall set a standard minimum wage requirement to be complied with by all employers.
C - The state will provide support for all those who are handicapped or incapable of work.
D - The state will have the authority to enact laws as may be necessary to establish and enforce a uniform set of standards in respect to labor and employment policies, including but not limited to maximum hours and conditions of labor, minimum age requirements in the work force, minimum wage requirements and mandatory retirement policies.
Article 11 - Culture and Society:
A - The APNP seeks to develop a general national culture which is based on our values and heritage.
B - The APNP will strive to ensure all citizens the liberties i.e., to express, protest, worship, elect, publish and assemble.
C - The state shall encourage the intellectual work of its citizens in all fields.
D - The APNP will ensure the freedom of forming such social groups and congregatings as clubs, parties, associations and athletic teams.
E - The Assyrian nation is one of the oldest civilized societies and nomadism in our country developed with the Arab occupation. The state shall take all steps to settle these nomadic people or alternatively, deport them to the Arabian peninsula.
It is very important to note that these nomad Arabs through the ages have damaged our environment.
Article 12 - Education:
A - The education policy of the APNP is to create a new Assyrian generation which believes strongly in revival of our entity, and in eternity of our Assyrian mission.
B - The Assyrianization Process should be completed with a plan. All citizens shall be required to learn the Assyriac language, the language which the Arab conquest abolished.
The APNP shall not forbid the practice or use of the Arabic language, because our nation is not hostile to any nation's language. The APNP shall encourage our people to further their education and enhance their knowledge in all aspects of life.
C - Education is very important to the progress of our nation, therefore our APNP will encourage education in all means and ways. Our nation's doors will be open to all people to establish any educational institutions.
D - Education at all stages in public institutions shall be free for all citizens. Primary and secondary education shall be compulsory.
E - Public and private professional schools with modern equipment, resources and facilities shall be established.
Article 13 - The Party and Regional Policy:
A - The Kurdish Question:
The APNP believes that no part of our beloved homeland historically or ethnically belongs to the so-called Kurds. The Kurdish speaking people in our country are merely Assyrians who under the Islamization process have been converted to Islam and have adopted their neighboring language, the Iranian Parthians (Kurds).
The Kurds homeland if exists that is beyond the Assyrian frontiers - in Iran.
B - The Lebanese Question:
The APNP believes that the unity of Lebanon is essential and that the Lebanese people must achieve it. We also believe that foreign interference in the Lebanese affairs has caused the turmoil and bloodshed. Lebanese unity will be preserved when the Lebanese people set down and resolve their differences in a freely manner.
C - The Palestinian Question:
The APNP believes that the Jews have the right to consider Palestine as their homeland. The
Jewish people, as we have learned through history were dispersed by the Mesopotamians (AssyroBabylonians), Romans and Arabs.
Irrespective of the foregoing, the Palestinians have the same right to live there and to establish their own state.
We recommend and encourage both ethnic groups to cooperate together in order to live in -peace and harmony instead of shedding their blood in vain.
D - The International Conference on the Artificial Borders Which Shaped the Middle Eastern Countries:
When the Ottoman Empire collapsed in the beginning of this century and the western influence increased in shaping the Middle Eastern destiny, artificial borders were drawn by the western colonies where a portion of our Assyrian territories were annexed to Iran, Turkey and Syria. Meanwhile other nations as the Greeks, Syrians and Armenians lost a portion of their country to the Turks.
1 - We as the APNP appeal to the concerned nations to call upon the United Nation Organization for an international conference in order to regain our lost territories in peaceful ways and means.
2 - If such peaceful efforts fail, then the concerned countries are free to use any method to regain their lost territories.
Article 14 - Amendments:
The fundamental and general principles of the constitution i.e., Part I, Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, may not be amended nor repealed.
All other provisions contained herein are subject to revision, repeal and amendment and may be revised, repealed or amended in accordance with such procedures and laws as hereinafter provided.
Some points are very interesting. Would be a nice dream reaching such an Assyria which is described there, but for that we will need decades to reach it if not hundreds of years