Are you for or against revering priests and bishops (i.e. hand kissing, etc)?


Well-known member
Whilst I understand religion and the worshiping of god(s), I just really can't fathom how people would kiss and greatly revere priests and religious leaders like they're above us. It looks tasteless and exaggerated for me. They are no more or less human than you and I. Do any of you "practice" any of this?

The furthest I'd go is respect them, just the same way I would respect a person who is good to me. I don't go any further.
it's a sign to respect in the sense that it's respectful to the person that dedicated their life to God. At least that's how it looks like to me.
mrzurnaci said:
it's a sign to respect in the sense that it's respectful to the person that dedicated their life to God. At least that's how it looks like to me.
At times it does look like respect. But in others it's just over the top. Especially when the priest/bishop would go around and shove his palms on everybody's faces like we're all entitled to kiss it. They should only give out their palm when we ask them to. That's a sign of respect.
Their main goal is to be spread goodness, love and peace so we must respect them hence bow to them or kiss them on their hands. However, most religious leaders (to me) are corrupt nowadays and politically motivated by money so I don't trust any.  :)