Adonee Song against Sarkis Aghajan....enjoy


Active member
Hey Guys...I have a song to show you...its from Adonee called aiwe samane...its a diss against Sarkis Aghajan...this is the reason why I post it in this part of the forum....

download it....

aua maniwa u maka tile....
Thank You for posting this song Rumtaya!

I guess we wont be seeing this singer on Ishtar TV any time soon.

Khayit Gabbara Adonee :2hearts:
i like when he says : sh'qala shimaneh d'matraneh .... (taking the names of bishops) because in johnny talia's song, johnny says the opposite.  That "Mar Sargis" took the name of Sargis Aghajan...what an insult to that bishop. 
Rumtaya -- thank you so much for this.  I officially have a new favorite singer and song!

"kheloo bee zoozeh bizwaneleh, khasoo b'nikhrayeh sneedeleh, kha mindee garik yateeleh, koorsee d'malka hich le zoneeleh."  :2hearts:

P.S.  I just realized I'm now a Senior Member -- woo-hoo!!!  :wavetowel:
P'shimit oomta hamzoomehleh, ganoo atouraya qrayehleh, eena asloo meeka eeleh, hichkha minan leh yateeleh.
P'shimit Atour hamzoomehleh, ganoo atouraya qrayehleh, eena asloo meeka eeleh, kool kha minan kee yateeleh.

Cheebo Adonee Odisho  :yourock: :yourock: :yourock: :yourock:

I just found his Myspace as well.
For some reason you cant download the song of my space

you can download it from here.
Assyriska said:
For some reason you cant download the song of my space

you can download it from here.

Thanks Assyriska.

p.s. are you formally known as Driv3r?
What is there to listen? is it not a diss song on Sargis Aghagan? yes it is, only koomayeh do that in their songs, I don't think people would be too happy if somebody came out with a diss song on Mar Bawai or Younadam Kanna (Myself included)....
His message is very clear, we dont need a kurdish controlled puppet to speak on behalf of this nation as we already have well capable, elected officials to handle our national affairs!

Please point out one line where he actually disses and by diss i mean insult aghajan?
You don't have to call names to insult, the fact that mentioning a puppet is a giveaway.

Anyways as I've made it clear in the past that I'm on noone's side, this whole thing is stupid and this umta is going down hill anyways so why bother right? khena when you see so many sides fighting with one another you can't help it but sit and watch as the ship sinks, if you grab a side you're part of the problem, and if you sit and watch eventually you're gonna sink with the ship too, it's a lose lose situation.
Tambur said:
What is there to listen? is it not a diss song on Sargis Aghagan? yes it is, only koomayeh do that in their songs, I don't think people would be too happy if somebody came out with a diss song on Mar Bawai or Younadam Kanna (Myself included)....

Its not really a diss song, because you diss someone who sings too like having a rap battle against eachother...but this is just another Song about Sarkis Aghajan with another point of view about his work!!!
Rumtaya said:
Its not really a diss song, because you diss someone who sings too like having a rap battle against eachother...but this is just another Song about Sarkis Aghajan with another point of view about his work!!!

I was being sarcastic about the rap part nasha lol...
I disagree completely. I don't believe calling him a kurdish puppet is a diss because HE IS a kurdish puppet.

I believe Adonee has hit the nail on the head and i commend him on having the courage to tell it how it actually is instead of singing aghajans praises like talia and the rest of the sell outs in order to make a quick $ or 2!
Rumtaya said:
Its not really a diss song, because you diss someone who sings too like having a rap battle against eachother...but this is just another Song about Sarkis Aghajan with another point of view about his work!!!

I dont think he's dissing his work just the motives behind his work.
The problem is you see him a Kurdish puppet in your eyes because you live in the west where you eat and drink makh nasheh and can say whatever you want, you're not some poor Assyrian who's stuck back home, had you been on the other side of the world with no money you might not give too cents about umta, remember that survival comes first, some Assyrians are choosing the Kurds because they gain survival out of it and it's their only hope, us in the west cannot say crap about them because we're not in their position to make a judgement.
Here we go again with the same argument.

Tell me, is it the kurds money that is being spent on Assyrians or is it iraqi oil revenues passed onto the kurdish regional government to distribute amongst its occupants?

Basically, aghajan works for the kdp(kurdistan "democratic" party), the kdp are trying to suppress Assyrians in order to attain our ancestral rights to that land.
how are they doing it? by promoting a kurdish controlled puppet as the leader of our nation.
how is he doing this? by buying the support of the people hes employed to serve and provide for unconditionally.
how is he doing this? In order to get any financial support from aghajan you have to be a member of the kdp otherwise I'm afraid you get absolutely nothing.


You are right, i would never dream of telling someone who's less fortunate than me not to accept the money from aghajan, however, i detest the method hes using to distribute it and that my friend, i have every right to do!
Tambur said:
The problem is you see him a Kurdish puppet in your eyes because you live in the west where you eat and drink makh nasheh and can say whatever you want, you're not some poor Assyrian who's stuck back home, had you been on the other side of the world with no money you might not give too cents about umta, remember that survival comes first, some Assyrians are choosing the Kurds because they gain survival out of it and it's their only hope, us in the west cannot say crap about them because we're not in their position to make a judgement.

I think too many of us confuse wanting "unity" with never saying ANYTHING negative about another Assyrian.  These are two different things.

As for people in Atra, they treat him as they did anyone else with power in Baathist Iraq- thank him for his gifts, fear him in private, know full well who it is he works for.
Tell me, is it the kurds money that is being spent on Assyrians or is it iraqi oil revenues passed onto the kurdish regional government to distribute amongst its occupants?

What does it matter. The point is his not corrupt with the money and is spending it on our people like he should be doing. I could easily keep the majority of the money to himself, but he is spending it on all Suraye from his people's region to all the way to Ninwe.

As for people in Atra, they treat him as they did anyone else with power in Baathist Iraq- thank him for his gifts, fear him in private, know full well who it is he works for.
With all due respect but what you just said wasn't very smart! How can you compare him to Baathes? Has he threatened anyone? Has he assasinated, kidnapped any of our people like some Assyrian baathes did in the 80s and 90s? Some people tend to forget the status of baath and start to call anyone they dont like a baathi these days.
I would love to see how Palestinians would deal with such a person.  One of their own, financed by the Israelis, paying off his people and promising them all of Palestine......under Israeli control  :bangin:

And Tambur, if you don't like the problemo, you can always listen to Johhny Talia's love song to the man.
chaldean said:
What does it matter. The point is his not corrupt with the money and is spending it on our people like he should be doing. I could easily keep the majority of the money to himself, but he is spending it on all Suraye from his people's region to all the way to Ninwe.
With all due respect but what you just said wasn't very smart! How can you compare him to Baathes? Has he threatened anyone? Has he assasinated, kidnapped any of our people like some Assyrian baathes did in the 80s and 90s? Some people tend to forget the status of baath and start to call anyone they dont like a baathi these days.

So you're basically saying its his own money and he can keep it for himself if he wanted to?
Can you guarantee 100% that hes not keeping most of the money for himself?
Hes spending the money on Assyrians yes but with conditions, is that fair considering that money is not his own and not from his own personal wealth but was allocated to Assyrians unconditionally for village reconstruction by the central government?

I look forward to your answers.

sargonthedon said:
So you're basically saying its his own money and he can keep it for himself if he wanted to?

No, but you have seen how politicians get access to money that they should be using but instead they keep it. It CAN be his own money easily if he wanted to. This is politicis, you haven't seen it before?
Can you guarantee 100% that hes not keeping most of the money for himself?
No, but I can guarantee you that he is spending money.

Hes spending the money on Assyrians yes but with conditions, is that fair considering that money is not his own and not from his own personal wealth but was allocated to Assyrians unconditionally for village reconstruction by the central government?
I'm sorry I was not aware that Aghajan required people to sign a contract/treaty in order to recieve aid?
