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  1. Rita Lazar

    Shaypoura Magazine - Spring Issue

    Hello everyone, I trust you have all spent your Sunday relaxing and re-energizing yourselves :) I just wanted to drop by to let you all know that the Spring issue of Shaypoura Magazine is now up. After much deliberation I've decided to have a "Letters to the Editor" section in the next...
  2. Rita Lazar

    Recently killed Assyrians - let's do something about it

    Hi guys, I wrote this as a note on Facebook and tagged as many of my friends as I could. The tag limit for each note is 30, so I posted 4 notes, all with the same body just different titles, so I could tag everyone. I think we should all do this, no one is talking about the killings and...
  3. Rita Lazar

    Let us speak up about the killings in Mosul

    Hi guys, I wrote this as a note on Facebook and tagged as many of my friends as I could. The tag limit for each note is 30, so I posted 4 notes, all with the same body just different titles, so I could tag everyone. I think we should all do this, no one is talking about the killings and...
  4. Rita Lazar

    Thank you, Michi.

    I should have done this before but I forgot and...that's horrible. I must thank Michael Goriel (Michi) for all the help he gave me with  He listened to me rant about what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it countless times, he gave me advice, and introduced me to some great...
  5. Rita Lazar on Facebook

    Hi y'all, I just wanted to invite everyone to the page on Facebook and to join if you already haven't. I know it's a bit tacky to self-promote but is a positive thing for all of us so I promise this isn't about me. And the Facebook page is pretty important since all...
  6. Rita Lazar

    is finally up :) The purpose of this website is to help unite Assyrians through art because it is my whole-hearted belief that art is the only thing that can accomplish such task, to promote Assyrian artists to the non-Assyrian world, and to help preserve our language...
  7. Rita Lazar

    MacGruber: The Movie

    I don't know how well this is going to translate into feature-length but I'm willing to watch! I do like that Val Kilmer is in it and playing the bad guy, though, as "Dieter Von Cunth" lol. Trailer and synopsis:
  8. Rita Lazar

    Twisted Physics: Scientists Create Knots of Light
  9. Rita Lazar

    "Smart Girls Marry Money" by Elizabeth Ford and Daniela Drake

    I've always been against this concept, but I'm also against marrying for love alone, and the authors do make some good points. "Smart Girls Marry Money: How Women Have Been Duped Into the Romantic Dream--And How They're Paying For It" Product description from Amazon: Why does society applaud...
  10. Rita Lazar

    Oliver the human chimp

    Part 1 of 6 I wanna comment but it would give away a lot of the suspense they built into this. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param...
  11. Rita Lazar

    Founder of Dead Poets Society visits bards' graves

    Sometimes it takes a bit of quirkiness and eccentricity to do something noble.  This guy's cool in my book, especially since he's reminding us of the "doubly dead" poets. ........ CUNDY'S HARBOR, Maine ? On the big screen, the leader of the Dead Poets Society at an all-boys prep school was...
  12. Rita Lazar

    "The Fire and the Light" by Glen Craney

    I'm reading this new book about the Cathars of France.  It's a novel based on actual events.  The Cathars were a Christian sect active mostly in France from the 11th to the 13th centuries. They believed Christ to be their master, but they didn't believe that he was supposed to die on the cross...
  13. Rita Lazar

    Chicken Dijon - Various locations in Los Angeles

    Okay, whoever comes to LA should eat at one of their locations.  It's delicious (but sort of watered-down/Americanized) middle eastern food.  I'm very picky when it comes to hummus and I love theirs. And the owners are Assyrian!!! But don't speak Eastern Assyrian really fast at them cause they...
  14. Rita Lazar

    Can we have a Golden Girls thread?

    Can we can we can we??!!  :jumpy: I know I'm not the only GG freak here. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess"...
  15. Rita Lazar

    Jack had a hangover

    Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after a really awesome business party. He couldn't even remember how he got home or where his gear was. As lousy as he was feeling, he wondered if he did something wrong. Jack had to force himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he saw is a couple of...
  16. Rita Lazar

    Curtis and Leroy

    Curtis & Leroy saw an ad in the Starkville Daily News Newspaper in Starkville, MS. and bought a mule for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day. The next morning the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry, fellows, I have some bad news, the mule died last night." Curtis & Leroy...
  17. Rita Lazar Although this site is very frantic and may be exaggerated, it's still got a lot of compelling information.  If you only read one article, read "The Milk Letter" by Dr. Kradjian
  18. Rita Lazar

    "Stop the Shot" petition/How Serious Is The Swine Flu Infection?

    I'm not posting this to get people to sign, just wanted to share the info. HOW SERIOUS IS THE SWINE FLU INFECTION? Across the media, the World Health Organization, the FDA and CDC have been reporting that the swine flu threat is pandemic. So, why is...
  19. Rita Lazar

    Need inspiration for your home?

    I was reminded of this site when I saw Ashoor's clock post.  Although a lot of this stuff is too modern for me, I still love this site cause it's got some cool, unique things on it.  I check it every now and then, usually when I'm bored at work lol.
  20. Rita Lazar

    Stephen Hawking's successor named More info on Green:
  21. Rita Lazar

    Shakira Changed Name And Wore Disguise For UCLA Class

    And to take Introduction to Western Civilization: Ancient Civilizations from Prehistory to Circa A.D. 843..interesting. "It was such a long tour, I needed a break from me," Shakira told The Guardian. "The universe is so broad, I cannot be at the center of it. So I decided to go to the...
  22. Rita Lazar

    Janan Sawa song

    I know it's terrible to talk crap about Assyrian singers, especially coming from me cause I LOVE Assyrian music, but considering how Janan has some umm..ahem....let's just say "anti-Assyrian tendencies", it's kind of alright in this case. He sang here in Los Angeles last night, where it was...
  23. Rita Lazar

    7 Life-Changing Benefits of Becoming Vegetarian

    I have been trying to be vegetarian for the longgggggesst time now to no avail.  My baloowa just won't allow it.  Meat is just so yummy lol.  I'm on the mailing list of this bizarro yoga instructor and I just got this and thought I'd share. 7 Life-Changing Benefits of Becoming Vegetarian...
  24. Rita Lazar

    Health and Fitness forum?

    What do you guys think of AVN having a forum for health and fitness? Personally, I like reading articles on these subjects and sharing them.  I was thinking maybe this could be a useful forum here if enough of you were interested. Ashoor, thoughts? And sorry to impose lol.
  25. Rita Lazar

    Mr. Penis Van Lesbian - I loved this

    A good-looking man walked into an agent's office in Hollywood and said, "I want to be a movie star."  Tall, handsome and, with experience on Broadway, he had the right credentials. The agent asked, "What's your name?" The guy said, "My name is Penis van Lesbian." The agent said...
  26. Rita Lazar

    Stuff you never noticed as a child

    lol <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  27. Rita Lazar

    Amazing blind boy

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  28. Rita Lazar

    20 weight loss "superfoods"
  29. Rita Lazar

    Lyre of Ur I didn't really know where else to post this since the topic is a combination of history and music.  I did post the video in the music section though:
  30. Rita Lazar

    Duo : 4,500-year-old reproduction lyre and pipes

    This gave me goosebumps.  Although we will never know how these instruments were really played, this is still amazing. ---- This is a duet between the reconstructed lyre of Ur and some reconstructed silver pipes found in the same grave. Although the lyre strings didn't survive the...
  31. Rita Lazar

    Superfetation - bizarre

    Check out the cocky (pun intended) look on her husband's face.  It's like he's thinking "Yup. That's right. What can I say? No fetus is too occupied for my conquering swimmers".
  32. Rita Lazar

    Did you also attend Vidyartha College?

    This is hilarious..what a f***ed up glitch.  I saw quite a few Assyrians on FB whose profiles said they went to Vidyartha.
  33. Rita Lazar

    What language do you think in?

    For those of you fluent in more than one language (obviously), what language do you find your thoughts to be in?  I think in English and cuss in Assyrian. Mentally cuss, that is.
  34. Rita Lazar

    Another possible Assyrian: Paul Younane

    I'm on the hunt! lol. Now with this one, I only have his last name to go by.
  35. Rita Lazar

    Michael Nouri, Assyrian actor?

    Michael Nouri is a character actor who has had impressively steady work over quite a long period of time.  Me, my brother, and my mom were talking about him right now and we came to the conclusion that his father was probably Assyrian (his name was Edmond) :) It may be wishful thinking but...
  36. Rita Lazar

    Assyrian tribes/villages/settlements

    I'd like to ask you guys if you can send me a sample of the speech of your millat to me either as a reply to this post, or as a private message. The ones I need are listed below. The speech to be translated is: "We are Assyrian from (insert millat/mata). During the day we work hard and at...
  37. Rita Lazar

    Hello! need help, please!

    Hello, one and all! I hope you are doing well and having fun and learning new things on here. I'm writing this post cause I'm working on a project and need all of your help.  It's (starting out as) an online magazine dedicated to Assyrian art.  It will have many aspects to it but the general...
  38. Rita Lazar

    I need your help, please!

    Hello, one and all! I hope you are doing well and having fun and learning new things on here. I'm writing this post cause I'm working on a project and need all of your help.  It's (starting out as) an online magazine dedicated to Assyrian art.  It will have many aspects to it but the general...
  39. Rita Lazar

    Hello again, dears.

    I know I have posted here or on my blog much lately, but here...go look at this lol.  To be honest, I'm hoping to find someone who can relate to my "Why the $&@# Do I Know Who Jamil Ratib Is" post. Enjoy, hopefully.  And if you're as desperate as I am you'll add...
  40. Rita Lazar

    Don't mind me

    I'm just here shamelessly plugging my notorious blog. Shameless I tell you, shameless.