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    Bay Area CBS Coverage of Assyrians

    A news producer friend of mine who works for CBS Channel 5 in the Bay Area had contacted me about doing a story on Iraqi Christians. He requested a list of churches that Assyrians attend (I gave him the Assyrian Church of the East in San Jose) and the proper name/term they are to be referred as...
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    University of Illinois SUCKS!

    To all Illinois fans, What the hell happened?
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    Instead of wasting our time in Iraq...

    it might be a good idea for this country to pay attention to the growing Dust Bowl crisis thats occuring right here. Oh wait, I forgot. Our president doesn't care about his own people. Read below to see what the hell I'm talking about. We spend billions sending troops to a country that quite...
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    Gang Rape Charge Against Halliburton/KBR I thought this was a bit interesting. This is what we can always expect from a Republican White House running our world affairs.
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    Meso Forum & Bet-Nahrain Forum

    Is it just me or does it seem like the 2 forums have gotten MUCH MORE nastier than they have ever been? I just went into the Meso Forum to see what new news there was and I couldn't believe the mud-slinging going on in there. Its actually embarrassing to see the stuff being written there by some...
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    Now here's a Religious Leader I can get behind What a strong contrast between the Archbishop of Canterbury and Emporer, sorry I mean Pope Benedict XVI.
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    Girls Gone Wild Founder Abused in Jail

    Ok, this has absolutely nothing to do with Assyrian politics, but I thought it was an interesting story nonetheless considering the popularity of this guy's videos with college students (and many of my Assyrian friends). Of...
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    Facebook Retaliation by Assyrians

    I just wanted to remark how anti-Semitic Assyrians can be sometimes. So I belong to a number of Support Israel groups on Facebook. Today, I received a number of emails and Facebook messages from Assyrians (and from some of my Iranian friends) telling me how disappointed they were that I joined...
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    So what do you all think of Hillary Clinton for President?

    I'm all for her personally and thats partly because I would like to see her husband back in power (c'mon, you know he won't just be sitting around) and partly to get the educated political party in power for a change. I think the Republicans have fantastically managed to bring our country to the...